Friday, July 30, 2004
. . . razors, I'm reminded of my favorite aphorism, known commonly as Hanlon's Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
I'm thinking of repurposing that as a title or tag line for this blog. Hmmmm. . .
8:04:02 PM
Peter Merholz rants on about things that should just work, but don't;
one of the reasons being all the extra "features" appended that aren't
necessary except for marketing:
I'm working on a project where I get to go into people's homes and
watch them attempt to set up an internet-enabled device (excuse the
vagueness). And, without fail, they cannot. What's interesting to me is
how they fail --... [ peterme.com]
It's true; it's just astounding the geekiness that's required to make
networked things work. I'm moderately geeky, and I'm frequently amazed
that I can make network things work; and sometimes amazed that what I
think should work, doesn't. As much as I like my ISP, I clearly had the
edge on geekiness over the support guy I talked to today about my DSL
issues (dropped connections). I can't imaginze your ordinary NASCAR dad
dealing with this stuff, yet some folks expect broadband to be
ubiquitous one day soon.
So, a variant of Occam's Razor seems in order: One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to do anything.
7:56:09 PM
In pointing to a German translation of a London Underground Map (Better German tubemap), Boing Boing also provides linkage to an English translation of the Vienna U-Bahn map:
"Incidentally, the translation of the London map into German was
part of a project that started with a translation of the underground
map of Vienna, Austria into English, which might be of more entertainment value as most of your readers can actually read it.
(Thanks, Horst!)
[Boing Boing]
Not only entertaining, but useful, as I never knew exactly what all those stops I passed on the way to CHI2004
meant. I mostly rode from City Park to Sweden Place, switched lines,
and rode out to Emperor's Mills, where the conference center is.
3:29:52 PM
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