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  Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Is Bangalore bigger than Silicon Valley?. Some say the offshore-outsourcing capital is on the verge of overtaking Santa Clara County as the world's biggest technology hub. [CNET]

Best quote: "Silicon Valley is already beginning to reinvent itself." That's what Silicon Valley does: every few years, it has to reinvent itself, and the folks working here have to reinvent themselves as well.

True story: I almost started technical writing in Silicon Valley in 1980. It didn't take, somehow, but if I had started then I almost certainly would have been writing for the defense industry, or maybe Tandem. The PC revolution was only just about to start. It's a whole different environment now, and will be again in ten years. No point in trying to go back. Change happens.

5:56:24 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

UXNet has been simmering for many months, without formally coming out; now Lou Rosenfeld has provided a description and justification of what it's about:

What If?. What if... ... you could find out about all the local events and meetings relevant to your work that will take place in your area over the coming weeks? ... your AIfIA membership got you a discount on a subscription to ACM's Interactions magazine? Or your STC membership got you a discount to attend an AIGA event? ... there was an easier way to meet and network with colleagues in your community who cared about developing great user experiences? ... the annual UPA and STC conferences took place in the same location in succession, instead of (frustratingly) in different cities at the exact same time? ... UX (User Experience) emerged as the thread that ties us together--whether we're software developers, interaction designers, content strategists, usability engineers, graphic designers, editors, information architects, or whomever--and allows us to better understand and work with each other? That's just part of my wish list... [Bloug]

I'm all for it; it fits right in with the work I've done the last year+ to build cooperation between our related, sometimes overlapping, organizations, like STC, UPA, SIGDOC, and SIGCHI. BayDUX, a still informal collaboration of the groups that were involved in the DUX2003 conference, is also simmering on the back burner, ready to take on some Bay Area organizing.

4:56:39 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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