Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Sounded like this might be an interesting interview, what with the teaser about "value up front."
But that's all Berry says in this interview. No more discussion about
how to identify and communicate the value of User Engineering, Ease of
Use, or whatever we call it this week. We're all over talking
about value these days -- usability pros and STC members (and critics)
-- but I rarely hear "value" translated into "money," which is what
it's about, isn't it?
Jared Spool spoke at BayCHI
two weeks ago, talking about the troubles that usability practitioners
have justifying their value. Among many other intriguing things, Jared
said that, when he's talking with business leaders, he never uses the
word "usability." He talks about increasing revenue, decreasing cost,
increasing brand awareness: all the things that C-level business-folk
like to hear. Just waving the usability flag doesn't cut it.
10:37:14 AM
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