Thursday, July 15, 2004
John Perry Barlow had some intriguing thoughts regarding the talk about a postponed election:
Postponing Democracy.
Wherein John Perry Barlow suggests that a major terrorist attack might
provide a pretext for the suspension of both the presidential elections
and our constitutional rights. [ BarlowFriendz]
9:47:35 PM
Most important line from the article: "The study indicated that the Bay
Area will continue to incubate new businesses." Which is where new jobs
come from. This is, of course, encouraging, and pretty much what I've
been saying during offshoring discussion.
4:51:54 PM
Yes, the Airport Express arrived yesterday, but not the cable that
feeds the stereo. It's shipped, but isn't here yet, so it may be
another day or two before I can enjoy the new toy.
4:08:17 PM
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