Monday, July 26, 2004
In something like 80,000 miles of ocean sailing, I never saw any waves this big (80+ feet). But they do happen.
In my younger days, I raced on a 61-footer named Sorcery. In 1976 (I wasn't on board then), on her way back to the west coast from Japan, Sorcery was
rolled by a very large wave; owner Jake Wood swears it was 80 feet.
It's a fascinating story, the short version of which is: capsized
through 360 degrees, mast lost, deck gear lost, helmsperson overboard,
everyone on board injured (but no one died), towed by Coast Guard
cutter to Kodiak. During the tow, a window in the 200' long cutter's
wheelhouse was broken by a wave.
There's a lot about sailing that I miss, but not the big waves.
4:32:35 PM
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