Monday, July 5, 2004
I was going to blog this one earlier, but Gordon beat me to it. Dean Takahashi, in a piece from this morning's SJ Mercury News,
says he just doesn't have the five minutes it would take to read the
documentation to solve his problem. If he doesn't have the time, what
good is it for us to write even-more-usable help? The answers should be
placed right in front of the user's face: in the interface, built into
the product, or at least intuitable from the controls. We can't make
users read if they're not willing to. Most of what Dean complains about
are design or integration issues. Better help doesn't solve those;
better design does.
9:15:16 PM
Dave, Doc, and Dave all point to Britt Blaser
discussing the horrors of war. Britt quotes Eisenhower repeatedly; the
selected quotations demonstrate to me that Ike was a much better
president than Bush is. Bush and company don't seem to get the reality
of war. Ike knew it first-hand.
8:58:36 PM
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