Tuesday, August 17, 2004
I see in the current issue of Time that Gypsy Boots left us last week after 89 years. Time says
he "used his zealous eccentricity to push a philosophy of Spartan
living, exercise, and a positive attitude." I remember seeing him in
video of Groucho's "You Bet Your Life" show, in which he was still
marginally sane. And I saw him at a stadium concert in about 1970 (The
Who, Anaheim Stadium), running through the crowd naked, proclaiming
love to and for all. Gypsy was a genuine happy, harmless wacko, a
California original. I wish him well.
10:00:28 PM
Lou provides some handy-dandy heuristic evaluation criteria for looking at web sites:
Information Architecture Heuristics.
Just finished a brief heuristic evaluation of a client site, basing
part of my feedback on a set of questions that I find quite useful for
just about every IA-related project. Every information architect should
always have a set of favorite questions in their back pocket; they
really do come in handy. I categorize mine into groups that correspond
to the five areas that a user is most likely to interact with a siteís
information architecture: Main page, Search interface, Search results,
Site-wide navigation, Contextual navigation. This approach works for me
because it underemphasizes the main page, which all too often garners
way too much attention at the expense of the other areas. ... [ Bloug]
Thanks, Lou!
4:09:46 PM
So, do we think that Dogbert is deliberately misreading Don Norman's Emotional Design?
10:24:29 AM
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