Thursday, October 7, 2004
Another interesting Shockwave timeline:
Viewing required installation of a Shockwave plug-in for Firefox that I
didn't have; the direct plug-in installation failed, so I selected
manual installation, which appears to have succeeded (after restarting
Firefox). The timeline's a bit less than intuitive, but looks to be
worth the effort.
10:29:13 AM
Apparently my mention of Doc's mention of Whole Wheat Radio in the recent podcasting linkage earned this blog a mention on WWR. I'm downloading the session right now so I can give it a listen. Oh, and Apple and UPS say the iPod will be here tomorrow. . .
Ah, the joy of recursive blogging.
9:37:41 AM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:23:44 PM.
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