Friday, October 22, 2004
From BBC radio, a piece on the evils of Powerpoint, "Microsoft PowerPoint and the Decline of Civilisation," including comments from Edward Tufte and a faux-PPT version of Churchill's "we shall never surrender" speech. Added bonus: the Gettysburg Address reduced to PowerPoint.
Update: this piece has
disappeared into the Beeb's archives, not to be found again. Looks like
everyone else who linked to it is in the same boat. So sorry. . .
4:09:09 PM
Richard Anderson has started a blog,
which includes commentary on his interview with Don Norman at last
week's BayDUX event, and a smidgen of news about DUX2005: it will be in
San Francisco, and it will be later in the year than June. And
that's about it for now.
Richard, please add an RSS feed to your blog!
11:02:46 AM
Frank Barnako has problems with iPodder:
Sounds like he claims to be even geekier than me, and sheesh, I figured
it out pretty readily. Thing is, it just works. If I'd had to make the
programmatic connections from RSS to iPodder to iTunes to iPod, I
wouldn't have even started.
But Frank's right about one thing: as with most first-release software,
there's precious little documentation. I started off with the piece in Engadget
a couple weeks back. But when it comes to the software itself, someone
should write some introductory documentation -- oops, maybe that means
I should do it. Oh, crud.
11:00:24 AM
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