Monday, October 11, 2004
Notable passing:
Dave and Dan echo my thinking about Chris Reeve's life and death:
God needs a better script doctor. . . his
public optimism was a welcome rebuke to our normal values. And, because
of his accidental identification with Superman and his determination to
walk again, he was in a story arc that was supposed to have ended
better. . . [ Joho the Blog]
Christopher Reeve, RIP.
. . the news today of Reeve's death
(BBC) makes me think that he did something that greatly elevated his
place in history. He will be remembered not as a relatively minor actor
who had a couple of hit movies, but rather as a man who used the
cruelty of his own situation to help and inspire others.
A genuine Superman emerged from his personal tragedy. Rest in peace. [ Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
As father to a (since deceased) disabled child, I know about coming to
accept the way things are instead of complaining about the way they
should be. It's a Zen thing: acceptance and non-attachment. What I
never could get to was being optimistic about the future. No one's ever
accused me of being an optimist--it's just not in me. But Reeves
somehow managed at least an outward optimism that made him a beacon of
hope for those in similar situations. I'm impressed.
9:16:27 AM
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