Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The DSL came back this morning. No one can tell me why; SBC called to
ask the status, but couldn't tell me why it had been down, even though
the problem was clearly at their end.
Now I'm sorting through various consequences, related or not, of being
mostly offline for three days. For instance, apparently Radio Userland
deletes any newsfeeds that don't return anything after 48 attempts.
Which happens when you're not online for days. So my entire list of RSS
feeds in the Radio news aggregator were gone. Electron dust. And the
last backup available was for August. Yuck. After rebuilding the list
of feeds, I wound up with a whopping 737 items to dig through, some
dating back to near the beginning of time. Note to self: when offline,
turn off Radio!
Also, somehow, after backing up to CD, my Palm desktop address book,
calendar, memos, and to-do list were all history. Fortunately, I
managed to restore from my Handspring Visor (after synching with the
files on the PowerBook just for safe measure).
Also noted: while offline, the services.exe process was chewing up 100%
of CPU cycles most of the time; it's not hogging anything like that
much now, which tells me it was unhappy being unable to reach the 'net
to run updaters. No, it was not from adware/spyware. I'm clean.
Meanwhile, up in Talkeetna, Jimbob
rejiggered his podcast feeds, which iPodder interpreted as being all
new podcasts, and madly tried to download files I already had. Gag. I
know he's trying to do something clever and important, but the tools
aren't evolving as fast as Jimbob's demands on them.
5:14:47 PM
"One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time."
10:10:53 AM
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