Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Slow blogging day...I'm on deadline (that is, past deadline) at my day job; writing a speech for Elijah's bar mitzvah on Saturday (I've got "I love you, and I'm proud of you," probably need to embellish that a bit); tinkering with the ACC Hoops blog (we need RSS and Atom feeds; help welcome); and it's been so beautiful outside that instead of taking blogging breaks this afternoon Luna and I walked around the 'hood, talking to neighbors and wondering how Scott Card could possibly think downtown is dying.

5:29:33 PM    comment []

Don't forget the GSO bloggers Meetup, tonight at 7 at Panera on Lawndale.

5:09:03 PM    comment []

To hell with the jinx...I think Rashad McCants looks most excellent on the cover of the new SI.

8:31:31 AM    comment []

The Spokane Spokesman-Review has bloggers on staff, and also uses material from non-staff bloggers to broaden and deepen its coverage. Smart. That's one way to do the local blog stuff I was talking about yesterday...(via Dave Winer)

8:27:54 AM    comment []

Dave Slusher is thinking about a blogger's conference in Myrtle Beach. He and I discussed it briefly at Stanford, I told him what I know about the subject (I'm having similar conversations with another B-Con participant in another part of the country), for the Evil Genius it's already gone from casual conversation to blog post, now comes the fun part.

I'd go to Myrtle in the off-season, we did have loads of good clean fun doing so in high school (spring break at OD, yo).

8:20:59 AM    comment []

Cori Dauber compares Falluja to the Tet offensive -- and she means that in a positive way.

8:13:06 AM    comment []