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Saturday, November 20, 2004 |
Elijah's Bar Mitzvah Well that was pretty damn great. Elijah has a good voice, and a bit of stage presence, and he knew his stuff cold, and he just plain rocked the house. It was moving, and entertaining. This was Elijah's show all the way -- he wanted it small, family and close friends, and it was so. We did it downtown, at the old Temple Emanuel on Greene Street, where the Cones have been going for generations. In an era of megamitvahs and extravagant parties, it was downright countercultural. My main role was to sit by Sydney and look proud. I did carry the Torah around and hand it to Elijah, Lisa and I sang a prayer, and we both spoke lovingly to our son. "I think you are growing into that big name of yours," said Lisa. It was a perfect morning for our family, and it was just the way Elijah drew it up. Now the cousins are all playing poker, and the grownups are getting ready to put the bar in Bar Mitvah. 4:19:53 PM ![]() |
A beautiful family dinner at cousin Tom and Rene's last night, followed by a Friday night service in which Elijah particpated...all prelude to the big show this morning, for which I should be getting ready... 9:24:32 AM ![]() |
If the brawl in Detroit had ended with that one punk getting taken down by Artest -- the clown who taunted Artest after hitting him with a drink, then realized he was in biiiig trouble as the player advanced over the seats in his direction -- then justice would have been done. Not that it's OK to go into the stands after fans -- but as Lisa said upon watching Sports Center this morning, That's no way to treat the visiting team. The fans wanted a riot, and they got one. It didn't stop there, of course, it was horrifying, and I'm guessing that a lot of people will be suing and countersuing each other for a while. The players should have some nice long suspensions during which they can work on their legal defenses... 9:21:11 AM ![]() |
Audio from the online campaign session I led at Stanford is up at IT Conversations. Click here to listen. And the other sessions are up, too. Note: I say in the session that I suggested an online campaign to the Bowles campaign, I should add that I offered to visit the Burr campaign, too, and was not taken up on that offer. 8:57:04 AM ![]() |