David Fletcher's Government and Technology Weblog : news & perspectives from a long-time egov advocate
Updated: 10/1/2004; 6:06:16 PM.



Wednesday, September 01, 2004

In looking at data center consolidation, it looks like Oregon has bigger problems than we do.  On the other hand, it also presents opportunity.  In some states, connectivity is still outside of the domain of the agency that runs the primary data center(s).  That also presents some challenges different than what we face here in Utah.  And if we really forced ourselves to understand our data as well as the most efficient ways to create interoperability, then we could really begin to progress.

The State of South Carolina estimated $30 million savings over ten years when they began their data center consolidation.  I wonder how they're coming?

New York started in 1998.  Their most recent accomplishments are listed here.

Florida is consolidating four centers down to two.

California CIO, Clark Kelso, outlined his plan for consolidation to the legislature last fall.  Public CIO magazine mentions that they're still looking at it.

All told, data center consolidation is still a topic of abiding interest for state governments.  We are currently focused on server consolidation through virtualization within the two data centers that ITS manages (one is primarily for COOP - business continuity), but I expect the other issue will be resurrected here at some point in time.

5:37:36 PM    comment []

Advocates of roadable aircraft suggest that prototypes will be in production by the end of the decade.  This will certainly bring a whole range of issues for government transportation agencies to deal with.  Models under development include the jet-propelled, auto wing-folding Skyblazer and and the vertical take-off SkyWalker being designed in Ogden, Utah.

By the way, you can now sign up online with TSA to receive their critical travel alerts.  You may also need this form if they have been rough with your baggage.  It's not quite as easy to interact with.  Security checkpoint wait time information is also now available online.  It's not real-time, but based on historical averages.

9:29:46 AM    comment []

The Earth Observing System Project Office, an important support element of Earth Science Enterprise, supports an interesting set of satellite missions.  Several, such as SeaWiFS, TRMM, and Terra have their own websites.  I assume that the office is coordinating with EPA and others on the GEOSS project

9:16:30 AM    comment []

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