A rather sobering view a a nuclear Korean Peninsula has appeared in Salon. The New York Times offers more commentary on the subject.
Jmmy Carter penned an op-ed in today's New York Times focusing on the Iraq part of the equation and the justness of the war. The Bush administration has not shown sufficient cause and seems to be rushing headlong into what might be a field of quicksand.
One wonders how an administration so poorly equiped to deal with the Security Council or established governments like Russia, France, Germany, Turkey, Mexico and even Canada, can deal with the feuding groups that are certain to surface in a post war Iraq. The pax Americana of the far right can probably only exist so far as it is dictated from the military.
I wish I felt that the administration was up to dealing with this and other foreign policy issues. Winning a war is easy if you are huge, winning a peace is hard.
Then again I wish that they could deal with domestic issues and the budget. It is amusing that they paint themselves a being fiscally responsible.
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