The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Sunday, March 30, 2003

There is a possibility that the Russians are posting military intelligence gathered from an inept American transmission system.

I can't verify the frequency hopping technique described is being used, but if the Russian notes are accurate it should be almost trivial to monitor these transmissions. If the American military is using transmissions this weak they are not doing much better than publishing clear text and should expect the consequences (this isn't much better than what cellphones offer -- I hope that none of you ever give sensitive information like SSNs and credit card numbers -- or business secrets - over a cellphone).

One can look for correlations between the Russian stories and verified events. In any event it is very interesting stuff even though much of it appears unverified at this point.

Venik seems to have a nice translation. Again - the reader should beware (especially on a page that mentions anti-gravity research, but Venik's translations are very similar to a few others).
1:36:01 PM    

A few days ago we noted the super-DCMA law that has been proposed to state legislators by the recording and movie industry.

In normal times bad laws are passed all the time and this sort of legislations would nullified or heavily modified by the courts. We are in difficult times with a real erosion of personal liberties and folks like Ashcroft suggesting that this sort of law would be useful.

Now there are reports that Michigan has already enacted this sort of legislation. So the use of firewalls, NAT boxes and VPNs may be illegal in that state beginning tomorrow. Here are the three new laws: (1), (2), (3).

Several other bills are making it through state legislatures. Check their status.

In any event it is time to test the limits of the Michigan law.
7:06:44 AM    

So Henry Norr, one of the better technical reporters, has been suspended by the San Francisco Chronicle for expressing his political views on his own time.

Norr is a fine reporter .. hopefully he will move to a better forum.
6:49:59 AM    

Rumsfeld is someone who has shown astounding lack of judgement over the years (his support of Saddam Hussein during and after Hussein's gas attacks on the Kurds in the 80s comes to mind).

Apparently the New Yorker will publish an article that won't please him ... there has been some talk of his underestimating the war in Iraq and his generals aren't pleased.

It is too early to judge him and the rest of the administration on the war, but lack of judgement in pursuit of narrow goals seems to be a hallmark of the Bush team.

It has long been clear that Rumsfeld doesn't play well with others.
6:42:41 AM    

MREs (meals ready to eat) have a reputation for being - well - unpalatable. I started to wonder if it is possible to be a vegetarian in the US military.

Guess what ... vegetarian MREs.

Moving around is interesting - clothing, tents, survival gear. Interesting stuff. Even palm leaves and ashes for religious services...
6:18:39 AM    

Technology can move from the military to civilian sector or visa versa.

The Washington Post notes a few new technologies that might move to the civilian side. (thanks to Dwayne for pointing this out).

I would argue that many of these have seen serious development in the civilian sector (particularly UAVs and wide spread sensor deployment) and will happen anyway.
6:18:02 AM    

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