The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?

A war is about to start.

When it does I will worry primarily about the safety of the American soldiers and the Iraqi civilians and trust our military is committed to both. If the war is short I will not bring myself to other comments as the time is wrong.

At this moment the time for criticism is right and the act of criticism, despite comments from the White House, is not unpatriotic.

Going to war in this fashion is an amazing failure. A failure of the press, a failure of Congress, a failure of the President, and a terrible failure of diplomacy.

The declared victory will come quickly - perhaps in a few days - but it is important to note that winning a peace is often much more difficult than a military victory. We need to have the will and the pocketbook to bring democracy to the area and recognize that our efforts may be in vain despite our efforts. Withdrawing prematurely or cutting back on the scale of necessary efforts has the potential of destabilizing the area.

Many of our traditional allies (despite the collation of the willing) have been ruffled and the image of the United States is probably more tarnished than at any time in recent memory. Rebuilding this trust will not be easy and it is not clear that the current administration is capable of working the issues.

Our economy is not strong and the added burden of a war (or a series of wars) and nation building may destroy the American dream for many of us. The administration has abandoned the idea of fiscal responsibility at a time where responsibility is required. Are you better off than you were two years ago? Do you think you will be better off next year?

It will be time for criticism after the dangerous military victory has been won. If we do not offer constructive criticism and (if necessary) regime change at home, we may end up the big losers.

It is an embarrassment to be represented by President Bush and our lame Congress. It is anything but an embarrassment to be represented by our troops - may they avoid danger and spare the innocent.

May the war be very very short.
6:19:33 AM    

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