Book Reviews
![]() Michelle Legare has written a review of this weblog at Blog Street Journal. Thanks for the kind words.
![]() See a clear review of Keynote 1.1 by Brian A. Peat: "Keynote 1.1 takes care of a LOT of problems."
![]() In other places: "I have been accused of being paranoidly (is that a word?) anti-American. Not true. I just have a serious aversion against corrupt, lying politicians. So yes, the Bush regime does inspire my rants a lot, but sadly, these people are also in lots of other places. Like Italy, for example. [...] Question: why can't the good guys win for a change? Answer: because the good guys are too good to apply dirty tactics. If you're totally unscrupulous and have enough money, you can do what you want. It's evolution, baby." [The Aardvark Speaks]