Book Reviews
![]() Want To Do More With An iSight Than Chat? "The minute I saw the iSight, I knew I was going to have a ball with Apple's latest hardware goodie. And indeed I have. [...] When combined with iChat AV, this little FireWire input device streams good looking VGA video up to 30 fps, and even better sounding audio via the dual-element microphone with noise suppression. Just make sure you have lots of bandwidth and no lettuce between your teeth." (O'Reilly Network via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() iChat AV: "I couldn't resist trying out iChat (AV) either. [...] For lack of a camera that's only 'A' for me, but nontheless. [...] This being the exciting world that it is, I in fact enjoyed my first iChat internet 'A' conversation only minutes after installing the program thanks to Dave calling. As I was about to go to bed and this was somewhat unexpected, it was only a quick tryout. My first impression was very positive. For one it 'just worked' as promised." [Quarter Life Crisis]
![]() Good news from Larry about the Eric Eldred Act: "Larry's been proposing an idea called The Eric Eldred Act to require a $1 payment to extend copyright. This would cause most works which are out of print and currently unavailable to the public to fall into the public domain while at the same time protecting the copyright of people who are using copywritten work commercially. I think it's a great idea. Larry reports that Congresswoman Lofgren (D-CA) and Congressman Doolittle (R-CA) have agreed to introduce the bill. That's great news." [Joi Ito's Web]