Book Reviews
![]() Bill Gates, Entertainment God: "Microsoft has two visions for the future of digital media: unlimited choice for consumers and unlimited control for producers. One thing's for sure, it's unlimited opportunity for Redmond. By Jeffrey M. O'Brien from Wired magazine." [Wired News]
![]() An open letter to people with car alarms: "[...] on hot days such as today when I have my window open and your car is beeping and beeping for many minutes, it is possible that a large rock may tumble from its resting place on my windowsill (on the fourth floor) and (mind you, by no ill will of its own, but simply guided by the cruel force of gravity) smash your stupid beeping car to bits." [megnut]
![]() The domain name of Blogshares has been captured by a company: "This page is a place holder for your future web site..." Fortunately the ip address works at least for the moment.
![]() Moore's Law and Communications points to Martin Hellman, emeritus professor of electrical engineering at Stanford: "I prefer an equivalent version of Moore's law that says computing costs decrease by a factor of ten every five years. [...] This rapid and steady decrease in the cost of computation has been like a mountain spring that feeds a river. Those of us in the developed world live on the banks of this river and have derived great wealth and other benefits (e.g., non-invasive medical diagnosis through CAT scans and MRI)." [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
![]() Skulls of Oldest Homo Sapiens Recovered: "Scientists have unearthed in Ethiopia three 160,000-year-old skulls that they say are the oldest near-modern humans on record. Telltale marks on the bones suggest that the hominids engaged in mortuary rituals." [Scientific American]
![]() Warning...: "I was actually going to write a post about the comments I'm inevitably going to get now that I'm pregnant from people who think that my website should be a place for them to live out their wild and drunken fantasies, [...]" [dooce]