Book Reviews
![]() Ito into the commons: "Joi Ito has joined the Creative Commons board. One clearly bright spot just got brighter." [Lessig Blog]
![]() Creativity and Innovation points to Renee Hopkins on the differences between creativity and innovation: "People always tend to use the terms innovation and creativity interchangeably. We're very clear about the linkages and the distinction. Creativity is getting the great ideas, it's sort of the R&D, and everybody is creative, everybody has got great ideas, every organisation has more great ideas than it can ever implement or bring into the marketplace. Innovation, however, is 'creativity implemented. It's taking creative ideas and bringing them into the world so that they change lives, and so they also change the organisations that bring them into the world." [via A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog]
![]() The Scobleizer Weblog tells that The Simple Guide to A-List Bloggers parody has been updated: "Is anyone safe? Includes updates on Andrew Sullivan, Glenn Reynolds, Lawrence [Lessig], Jeff Jarvis, Clay Shirky and Cory Doctorow. Note: I didn't do this parody. The guy who did still wants to remain anonymous."
![]() Joi Ito writes about Finland Photos: "I've uploaded some photos of Finland here and here. Will annotate later."
![]() War criminals: "A new rift between the U.S. and the EU is opening as the USA demands immunity from being accused of war crimes. Now some people might ask why they would want it -- it'd only make sense if they were guilty of war crimes, wouldn't it?" [The Aardvark Speaks]
![]() Bring in the fundamentalists: "I wonder if the plan behind Operation Free Iraq was really to replace a fairly westernized regime with a fundamentalist Muslim one. But it seems to be happening, and it's the women who suffer first. But hey, even in the USA it's the religious fundamentalists who decide politics. So what did you expect?" [The Aardvark Speaks]