Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Astronomical Surface Decoration on Ceramics, Japan part XXI

I continue to looking at the suggested terms to see if I can get some info on this type of decoration on a Japanese pot....

seiza is Japanese for constellation - 24,000 hits.  Let's try a bit of filtering:

seiza tamba - 2 hits (nothing)
seiza tôgei - 0 hit
seiza tôji - 1 hit (reference to Winter Solstice and yuzu balls (citrus) in your bath.)
seiza yakimono - 3 hits (nothing)
seiza ceramic  - 80 hits (Mostly about the similarly named Japanese formal kneeling position)
seiza pottery - 77 hit (Got a nice tip to check out archaeoastronomy, via About.)
seiza clay - 111 hit (nothing but more kneeling)
seiza vase - 96 hits (nothing but more kneeling)
seiza pot - 279 hits (nothing but more kneeling)
seiza art - 3530 hits (tried filtering out some obvious stuff, but still too much to seach.  The first 30 hits did not look promising, still more kneeling)
seiza ancient - 1050 hits (but more kneeling and more quasi-random stuff.)

12:27:51 PM