Updated: 12/4/02; 9:58:13 PM.
Jogger Honey
A story of a life that began after cancer

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Today I skipped my buddhist class.  I came home and exercised with my puppy, and did some training with him, and then I worked on getting my work computer working from my home cable modem connection.  It was a lovely evening, not going to class.

I've reached burnout in my social life.  I've had every single free moment scheduled, and haven't had time to do things I really enjoy -- like more writing.  As a result, I'm tired all of the time, and gaining weight because I'm not doing enough weight-bearing exercising, and I'm just plain running around all the time, not being able to stop and smell the roses.  People tell me about things last-minute, and I can't partake because if you I don't schedule something a month or more in advance I simply don't have the free time.  So I've scheduled out serendipity, which is a bad thing.

I'm going to go on a crusade to de-schedule my life.  That means possibly attending less buddhist classes, swimming less or at different times, less volunteering for ham stuff, and stuff in general.  I'm keeping my visits with my 87-year-old couple, and I'm keeping my hospice volunteer work.  Those two things I think are important.  The buddhism is probably important too, but on the other hand, there are aspects of the involvement with the group that are a time sink, and I desperately desperately need free time right now.  I'm simply wearing myself down and starting to feel like my cancer is on its way back.  That's probably a sign that I'm doing too much.

11:04:05 PM    comment []

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