Days Come and Days Go : A weblog which relates the events as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 12/1/2002; 10:18:04 PM.


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Saturday, November 23, 2002

Once in a Blue Moon

Todays subject is "Moon". We are all aware of what a moon is, that big, bright, white glowing orb that we see most nights in our sky...but what do we really know about that hunk of rock revolving around us? What is it made of? Does any living thing reside there? Why are there "phases" each month? There are even continuing stories of a moon landing hoax which appear every so many years.Solarized Moon The ancients believed that the moon was sacred. The Greeks had their moon goddess Selene and likewise the Romans their Diana. Lovers kiss in the moonlight, songs of moonlight fill our heads, we even create TV shows named after it, remember..."Moonlighting"  (seems so long ago now huh?). I don't know just what it is...sometimes we even drop our pants because of it! Guess I will have to ponder this just a bit longer, anyone else want a Moonpie while I'm up?

Today's Quote:

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. - Carl Sandburg

8:54:19 PM    comment []

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