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  Tuesday, May 27, 2003

My Amazing Girlfriend

A picture named Tiff-Watercolor.jpg

This is Tiffany, she's my rockstar-model Girlfriend. Since Sunday afternoon when I collapsed to the floor in pain, she has been by my side helping me do simple things like, stand, sit and eat, without causing myself inordinate amounts of pain. She drove me to the hospital and filled out my forms while they found me a place to lie down. She drove me to the pharmacist and dealt with my babbling whilst doped up on demerol. She drove me home and got me safely to bed, something which I was totally incapable of doing.

Most specially, she has kept me mostly positive despite my tendency toward black depression due to the pain. For this I cannot thank her enough, in public or in private. There are those who say behind every good man you'll find a good woman, I will agree with them, but I will alter it a bit: for every decent man who whines a bunch when he's hurt, there's a great woman who will pick him up, drive him to the hospital and keep him from isolating himself into pieces, while he heals.

Thanks so much babe! You mean the world to me.
5:14:27 PM  comment []   

Back Spasms Suck.

So, with the pain continuing well into the evening, Tiffany was kind enough to take me to Urgent Care and get me looked at. The doc said I'd pulled something pretty fierce and that he was going to give me some drugs to get me to sleep and loosen things up. So, one shot of demerol later, I was picking up some drugs and passing out cold on my bed.

This morning I am feeling a bit better, but I am now very much out of sorts timewise. But I am using this time to call utility companies and figure out what I can do packing wise. It's not looking good and I'm feeling mighty overwhelmed.
11:33:12 AM  comment []