Monday, October 11, 2004 |
LA Times: "Over the last four years, nearly $70 million in state bond money designated for pollution control has financed a score of giant dairies that have helped turn the San Joaquin Valley into the nation's most polluted air basin."
11:16:08 AM
"The Bush policy has been this:
Give the tax cuts to the rich - income tax, capital gains, dividends, estate - all of them - to create a new moneyed elite.
Create huge budget deficits that starve the states, cutting services to the lower and middle classes - education, health, police.
Drive the nation deeply into debt, guaranteeing future deep cuts in Social Security and Medicare, thus cheating the public, which has been paying into those funds all their lives, and just when these entitlements are needed more than ever - when the baby boomers enter their final years."
LA Times: "The Senate moved Sunday toward approval of a sweeping corporate tax overhaul - one of a series of measures with broad appeal to key constituencies that lawmakers were expected to pass before wrapping up their preelection session this week.
During an unusual Sunday session, the bill cleared a procedural hurdle when the Senate voted 66 to 14 to limit debate, paving the way for final passage today of the measure, which would provide almost $136 billion in tax breaks for businesses. The bill includes a buyout for tobacco growers to end a Depression-era price support system.
Keith Ashdown, vice president of policy for Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington-based watchdog group, called the bill 'a cynical attempt to bribe swing states in one of the closest elections in our nation's history'.
He added, 'Ethanol, tobacco bailout, breaks for NASCAR - you name it, there is only one thing that the self-indulgent lawmakers who voted for this bill had in mind: How can they use this legislation to guarantee their reelection?'"
11:12:09 AM
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