Observer: "British and American aid intended for Iraq's hard-pressed police service is being diverted to paramilitary commando units accused of widespread human rights abuses, including torture and extra-judicial killings."
12:10:48 PM
Independent: "Tony Blair's hopes of a breakthrough to tackle climate change were dealt a blow when President George Bush made it clear that he would not help the Prime Minister to strike a deal on global warming at the G8 summit in return for his support on Iraq."
I wonder what Blair will do now. As usual kowtow before the almighty.
12:08:45 PM
Guardian: "President George Bush's closest political adviser, Karl Rove, was yesterday at the centre of a criminal investigation into allegations that he leaked the name of a CIA agent in an attempt to suppress criticism of the administration's Iraq policy, in what is fast becoming the administration's worst scandal since coming to office."
Karl Rove is a traitor right in the heart of the Bush administration. He masterminded George Bush's transformation from boozing brat to national leader, and has been called the most powerful adviser in the White House. He was in charge of the $150m campaign to re-elect Bush.
Some call him America's Joseph Goebbels. He is also a fellow "PNAC" member, the fascist blueprint for an American Empire. He was one of the major stockholders of Enron and a Texan.
12:03:29 PM
As we all know America celebrates today Independence Day, the day when America conquered the evil aliens bent on destroying the Sacred Land. America isn't alone! But will not go quietly into the night! And George is at the helm! Watch and tremble! Tune in to the sequel on your local tv-station (sponsored by Corporate America).
11:42:58 AM