Monday, July 11, 2005 |
MailOnSunday: "A secret paper written by Defence Secretary John Reid for Tony Blair reveals that many of the 8,500 British troops in Iraq are set to be brought home within three months, with most of the rest returning six months later."
DailyNews: "Leaders of the National Council of Churches and several member denominations marked July 4 with a petition stating vehement opposition to United States policy in Iraq.
The statement, sent to President Bush, charged, 'It has become clear that the rationale for invasion was at best a tragic mistake, at worst a clever deception'."
I have my doubts about this withdrawal of troops. It might be intended to take the wind out of the peace movement. Maybe there is no intention at all to withdraw the troops. And it will take a very clever solution to bring peace to the region now. One more reason never ever to engage in adventures like this.
12:55:30 PM
I've been playing around with some new apps lately. First I've been tweaking Firefox. Internet Explorer for Mac is no longer updated, so one day or other it will lose its functionality in OS X. And for some reason my Safari browser can't render foreign accents properly (it messes them up in any character encoding - strangely enough it works fine on Safari on an external drive). So Firefox is best suited as a replacement. If you have an issue with video or Flash content not loading properly, try re-installing Flash and RealPlayer.
Another thing that might prove helpful is Blinkx, a powerful search tool. Seems to work fine with Firefox. As I don't have a search tool for my blog, I can now search for words in the local copy of my blog and find the relevant entries. The picture left is a visualisation of my blog; I suppose it's the sphere of linkage that is represented.
12:29:59 PM
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