Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:28:25 AM.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

GreenLeft: "The federal Coalition government has announced plans to allow employers to further exploit young workers and apprentices, just as SA Unions released a report showing many young workers on individual contracts already receive shoddy pay, conditions and treatment in the workplace."

John Howard's new 'anti-terror' laws are only designed to suppress all forms of criticism and to intimidate people. The global neocons know they will need brutal force to impose their unjust order. Australia already is a right-wing country with a great control over the media and the internet. They now need laws to suppress all protests against their neocon anti-social policies.
11:23:37 AM    

Fair: "Hundreds of thousands of Americans around the country protested the Iraq War on the weekend of September 24-25, with the largest demonstration bringing between 100,000 and 300,000 to Washington, D.C. on Saturday.
But if you relied on television for your news, you'd hardly know the protests happened at all. According to the Nexis news database, the only mention on the network newscasts that Saturday came on the NBC Nightly News, where the massive march received all of 87 words."
11:04:46 AM    

DefCon: "Join forces with a coalition of prominent scholars, elected officials, activists and theologians united to roll back the dangerous and growing influence of the religious right."

ICH: "Where do American religious leaders stand on torture? Their deafening silence evokes memories of the unconscionable behavior of German church leaders in the 1930s and early 1940s.
Although President George W. Bush says he is against torture, he has openly declared that our military and other interrogators may engage in torture 'consistent with military necessity'.
The various rationalizations for torture do not bear close scrutiny. Intelligence specialists concede that the information acquired by torture cannot be considered reliable. Our own troops are brutalized when they follow orders to brutalize. And they are exposed to much greater risk when captured. Our country becomes a pariah among nations. Above all, torture is simply wrong. It falls into the same category of evil as slavery and rape. Torture is inhuman and immoral, whether or not our bishops and rabbis can summon the courage to name it so."

Guardian: "Tony Blair and John Reid, the defence secretary, have been holding secret talks with Saudi Arabia in pursuit of a huge arms deal worth up to £40bn."

And how about this blatant case of hypocrisy?
"A Cuban militant accused of plotting a 1976 jetliner bombing that killed 73 people cannot be deported to Cuba or Venezuela, an immigration judge determined.
Judge William L. Abbott issued the written ruling Monday in the case of exile and former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles. Abbott cited conventions against extradition to a country if a person is more likely than not to face torture."
That is a bit thick. Accusing Cuba and Venezuela of torture while regularly sending people to countries with the purpose of having them tortured, Bush's infamous rendition program. That is hypocrisy to the extreme.
11:02:22 AM    

Michael 'Drownie' Brown has been rehired by the Bush mob.
During the investigation on what went wrong during the Katrina rescue, he claimed ordering people to do their duty was enough. He still does not understand what 'coordinating' means.

And there's another danger lurking in the Gulf waters.
Observer: "Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico."
10:46:59 AM    

"Dear World,
We apologize for the inconvenience. In 2008 we will have the situation cleared up.
Best regards,
The U.S.A."
10:34:04 AM    

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