Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:51:05 AM.


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Sunday, September 10, 2006

LATimes: "Five years after Sept. 11, is the United States winning the war against Al Qaeda? President Bush says yes, but most experts - including many inside the U.S. government - say no.
'In the five years since our nation was attacked, Al Qaeda and terrorists it has inspired have continued to attack across the world,' the president said. 'The terrorist danger remains.'

Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon have damaged the image of the U.S. in much of the Muslim world and made it easier for terrorist organizations to win recruits. The wars and controversies over U.S. treatment of detainees also have made it more difficult for allied governments to cooperate with American counterterrorism programs, diplomats say."

The president has not been able to diminish the terrorist threat, on the contrary, he has only increased the danger. But the real issue is that the US wants to dominate the world and is using the 'terrorist threat' to justify its war drive.

DéfenseNationale: "We are strengthening deterrence by developing a New Triad composed of offensive strike systems (both nuclear and improved conventional capabilities); active and passive defences, including missile defences; and a responsive infrastructure, all bound together by enhanced command and control, planning, and intelligence systems.

A subset of the New Triad is known as Global Strike. This new mission, which was added to STRATCOM's portfolio by the Unified Command Plan in January 2003, is one of the most important components of the implementation of the pre-emption doctrine. The Unified Command Plan defined global strike as 'a capability to deliver rapid, extended range, precision kinetic (nuclear and conventional) and non-kinetic (elements of space and information operations) effects in support of theatre and national objectives'. With its extensive expertise in developing strategic nuclear war plans against Russia and China, it only took STRATCOM a couple of months until November 2003 to develop a concept plan for Global Strike: CONPLAN 8022.

CONPLAN 8022 is a new offensive war plan created explicitly to back up more aggressive White House language about being willing to strike first. Most of this by far involves non-nuclear operations, but this makes the inclusion of the nuclear option in the new and different Global Strike mission all the more surprising because it implies that the potential use of nuclear weapons is also viewed in a new and different way."

Does it surprise anyone that countries which don't want American interference are creating a nuclear deterrent themselves? Any sovereign country has the right to defend itself. The problem is that the US sees the whole world as its own territory.

And if we believe that America is motivated by spreading democracy, we are sadly mistaken. Ominously the term CON appears in CONPLAN, neocon and the verb 'con'. The links between American government and neocon corporations is clear. Prominent conservative research groups like the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the Manhattan Institute have links with neocon corporations like Wal-Mart. Even Hillary Clinton has her ties to the company. National security is intended to safeguard the financial interests of the neocon, not those of the people.

GregPalast: "Greg Palast is facing a criminal complaint from the Department of Homeland Security stemming from his filming the Hurricane Katrina investigation for Link TV and Democracy Now. The film's producer, Matt Pascarella, is also facing the legal wrath of Big Brother.
It appears the complaint is about filming a sensitive national security site owned by Exxon petroleum. It seems that photographing major Bush donors is now a federal offense."

The real internal danger predominantly comes from the right. Fascism is as real today as it was in the previous century. National militarism is a threat to our society.
America's internal danger comes from the right; remember Timothy McVeigh.
11:36:50 AM    

Lives in the balance by Andrew Thomas.

Dishonest Dubya.
11:05:49 AM    

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