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Updated: 4/26/2005; 9:05:42 PM.


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Thursday, June 24, 2004

Deaf, Dumb, and Republican

I've never met Gary Aldrich.  Before this morning, I'd never heard of Gary Aldrich.  But from reading the article he's posted online today, I must conclude he's a world-class idiot

Harsh, you say?  No, I think I'm going easy on the guy.  Take for instance the following quotes from his article about Bill Clinton's book and how he likes his leaders (George Bush, for example) to be honest and truthful.

That’s why I like President Bush.  He speaks plainly when it counts.  He doesn’t speak in double meanings.  He doesn’t use words that could go either way depending on who is listening.

Really?  What about this statement by Bush about Iraq and those weapons of mass destruction:

"But the risk of doing nothing, the risk of the security of this country being jeopardized at the hands of a madman with weapons of mass destruction far exceeds the risks of any action we may be forced to take."

Source: President Meets with National Economic Council, White House (2/25/2003).

This statement is misleading because it makes it sound as though the rest of the world and the United States had done nothing in terms of handling Iraq, and that we needed to take risks to control this "madman with weapons of mass destruction."  Oh, and far from being misleading, the WMD part is what we now know to be a lie.

Also speaking of being honest, did you know the Associated Press is suing for the right to see Bush's military records?  Bush has so far refused to allow them to be released by the Texas archives.  You'll remember that Bush provided the media with copies of some paperwork from his time in the National Guard, but the AP wants to compare what was provided with the orginal documentation on microfilm held by the Texas archives.  It is the public's right to know what is in those files, but Bush has so far not allowed it.  He's also never fully explained exactly what he supposedly did in Alabama.  He just says he did his duty.  Never says what that duty was.  You have to wonder why.

Another great Gary Aldrich quote:

President Bush is not a lawyer and if that means he can say something that I get the first time, then from now on, I’m voting for the candidate who is not a lawyer.  I’ve heard enough double-talk from the Clintons and their political friends to last two lifetimes.

Well, he is right in that Bush isn't a lawyer.  But he can hang with the best of them when it comes to lying and double-talk.  For example, back in 2000 during a press conference, Bush was asked about his drunk driving arrest (which if you want to delve into lying and misleading statements, do a Google search on his drunk driving record), and this exchange took place:

Bush: "I told the guy I had been drinking and what do I need to do? And he said, "Here's the fine." I paid the fine and did my duty...."
Reporter: "Governor, was there any legal proceeding of any kind? Or did you just -- "
Bush: "No. I pled -- you know, I said I was wrong and I ..."
Reporter: "In court?"
Bush: No, there was no court. I went to the police station. I said, "I'm wrong."

Note, Bush is pretty good at avoiding the word "guilty" there.  He's also pretty good at making sure we know there was no court involved.  Instead he just walked down to the police station and paid his fine, right?  Great explanation making it sound nice and simple.

Then how does he explain his court records which show his license was suspended for two years?  It was eventually re-instated, but in order to go through all that, you have to deal with a court. 

And don't get me started on his rumored drug use.  Note, as far as I know, he's never stated clearly for the record whether or not he's ever used hard drugs, like cocaine.  Everytime I've seen him confronted by it, he's avoided answering the question, or worded his answer along the lines of "when I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible."  Not a plain yes or no, which Mr. Aldrich likes to portray Bush as always using.

My buddy, Gary, also throws this out:

I think liberals tend to admire somebody who can lie and make their statements sound so believable. 

Do I really have to cut and paste into this article every single weapons of mass destruction statement that Bush made?  Seriously, when Clinton was coming up with his "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," he at least wasn't making a case for sending hundreds of Americans to their deaths.  He was making a case for not getting his ass kicked by Hillary.

Then Gary breaks out this analysis:

Never getting caught, I would think, would be one real test of an intelligent mind. Knowing when to use tricky language and knowing when to use straight talk is also a sign of a truly intelligent mind.

Wait.  I thought he didn't like tricky language, but here he seems to admire it.  He also nows admires not getting caught, whereas before he wanted his leaders to be straight shooters.  Real firm moral ground you've got there, Mr. Aldrich.  No wishy-washiness here!

Yep, Gary Aldrich:  Idiot extraordinaire

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3:04:14 PM     |

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