Updated: 1/1/2004; 1:52:17 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Right Wing Wacko on the Left Coast

Wednesday, December 31, 2003


Astronomy Picture of the Day

13.7 billion years!  No wonder I feel so old.

11:04:09 PM    comment []


State Budget Deficits: All Bush's Fault

[Steely Eyes]

I knew it had to be his fault! CP

9:23:08 PM    comment []


2004 and beyond

It seems that a lot of bloggers are doing New Years Prediction posts so I might as well join the silliness.  CP

1. The Sun will still rise in the east ... or is it the west?  Whatever.

2. The people who really run this world will finally get the formula for the Chemtrails correct.  Every eligible voter will go to the polls and vote (by write in) for all the leaders of the NWO.  There will not be a single vote for any other candidate on the ballot.

3. After voting we will all go home and gather up the kids and march to the designated places to have our chips implanted.

4. After chip implant we will go home and stare at CNN which will be the only channel still broadcasting.  There we will be told exactly what to do and think at all times.

5. The Martians will finally get pissed off at Earth for raining nonworking pieces of space junk on their planet.  They will come and enslave all humans to work in the underground farms and factories of Mars.  We won't care.

6. The Earth will slowly cleanse itself of the remaining human artifacts and pollution.

7. The Star People will stop by as they do once every million years and wonder what happened to the humanoid species that showed so much promise the last time they dropped by.

8. The Star People will find a DVD copy of the movie Independence Day and wonder how we knew what they and their ships looked like.

9. The Liberals among the Star People will whine that it must have been a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that caused the end of the human race.

10. The Universe will shrink to the size of a single atom and wink out of existence.  The Liberals will blame it on the Bush tax cuts!

The End

6:19:29 PM    comment []


Bring Back Morality And Manners

Human behavior is governed best by observing the three behavioral codes in the hierarchy-- religion, manners, and the law -- in that specific order.

[Kim du Toit]

5:37:03 PM    comment []


Crushing of Dissent, Human Rights Abuses, Jailing of Journalists, Loss of Freedoms.

No, not in AmeriKKKa, but in an actual country that DOES practice human rights abuses, the crushing of any dissent, jailing of dissidents, etc... And they don't even have a Bill of Rights destroying Patriot Act!!! Nguyen Vu Binh, a...

[Steely Eyes]

That damn Patroit Act!  I'm moving to Vietnam where I can be truly free!  CP

3:19:21 PM    comment []


Be Afraid!

These people are standing beside you in line at the Super Market!

9:14:15 AM    comment []


The End Is Near

[Cox & Forkum]

8:26:32 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

8:17:28 AM    comment []



I've been told lots of Polish jokes. "There once was a Pole who (verb here) into a (noun here) and (insulting punchline here)." I'm not easily insulted, to be honest. Most of the jokes around here, I confess, tend to be Norwegian. I have no Norwegian in me, as I've mentioned before. Bring on the Ole and Lena jokes, then.*

*Ole and Lena were in a jet, flying to visit relatives in Wisconsin. A loud bang was heard, followed by a jolt. The captain's voice came on the loudspeaker.....

[Julie Neidlinger]

12:12:03 AM    comment []


2004 Predictions

I usually don't do these kinds of things, but, I'm going to be spending most of tomorrow working, followed by drinking heavily, then staggering my way to Times Square so I can make a mockery of Bloomberg's no alcohol nonsense and snicker at the chicken littles who think there'll be another terrorist...

[Capitalist Lion]

12:03:03 AM    comment []

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