Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:25 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Thursday, January 01, 2004


OK all you bloggers ... holiday time is over.  Time to get back to the really important stuff!

11:54:11 PM    comment []


Astronomy Picture of the Day

10 million degree, 60 light year wide ball of gas! 

Sounds like all the Democratic Presidential Candidates talking at once.

11:22:44 PM    comment []


Those Silly Japanese!

Watch for the racoon with the really big ........!

(Quicktime required)
10:29:46 PM    comment []


Earth changes its spin, baffles scientists! 

Bush tax cuts blamed!

10:27:10 PM    comment []


"The Year of Freedom"

An Iraqi blogger celebrates 2003: Good bye 2003, good bye my most beautiful year. I'll grieve your end and sing your legend as long as I live. You made my greatest dream come true. I know that the coming years...


I think we spend entirely too much time talking and writing about what Babs, The Dixie Hicks, and Mickey Moore think about the war in Iraq, and not nearly enough time on what the Iraqi people think.  This is a start.  CP

10:04:29 PM    comment []


Slashdot worried about American programmer jobs

I find it ironic that Slashdot is worrying about offshoring of programming. These are the same folks who cheer everytime a country like Israel or China chooses to go with free software over software written in America that costs money. Nice to know they care.

[The Scobleizer Weblog]

Wonder if I'm still banned over at the Almighty Slashdot for daring to look at their page more than once in an hour.  Then again ... WHO CARES!  CP

9:55:24 PM    comment []


Iran wonders why their quakes are so deadly.

Iran asks "why are our quakes so deadly?" Here's a hint: you have tons of "moral police" who make sure boys and girls don't hold hands in the street (not to mention homosexual behavior certainly isn't allowed), and they make sure that girls wear scarfs so that their hair doesn't show, but you don't have the same number of people who go around making sure buildings are built properly.

Translation: get rid of the moral police and start worrying about the real safety of your people.

The real answer, though, is that their people are poor and can't afford homes made out of metal or wood, which is how most homes in California are built. Every Californian knows that unreinforced brick is the worst kind of building to be in during a quake. This doesn't take a rocket scientist.

Get rid of the religious influence in your government. Open trade and better relations with the West. Educate your population to participate in the modern economy and stop sending your best and brightest overseas (California, for instance, has tons of Iranians -- many of whom tell me they'd love to move back home if the government got rid of its religious control).

Stop blocking Google and other sites, even those distasteful to your culture. The reason your brightest people keep leaving is because they yearn for real freedom over their lives.

But, until real change is made in Iran's society and culture, earthquakes there will continue killing tens of thousands (if not more -- I watched a recently-made video of Tehran a few nights ago, and most of the buildings there are unreinforced concrete).

[The Scobleizer Weblog]
9:42:17 PM    comment []


Did our teams defense hold the bad guys at the one yard line?

Please read the whole article (Non-Failures) below.  I have been thinking a lot about the subject lately due to the heightened alert level.  There seemed to be a lot more tension this time around.  I had the feeling there was a lot of solid intel this time and they were really worried. 

By 'They' I am referring to the people you read about in the article below.  I feel for these people because even if they are 100 percent successful they will never receive a well done from the general public.  We will never know what a great job they did.

The last weeks coming up to this holiday season I have been wondering what the enemy would do to make the biggest headlines which is what they are after anyway.  Bowl games and New Years celebrations came to mind.

I personally don't believe they have 'The Bomb', simply because I don't think they could have resisted using it this long.  If they have one of the old Russian Suitcase Nukes, they either don't know how to use it, or have already tried and it didn't work.  Chemical or biological weapons?  Don't have them or are still working on the problem of wide dispersion.  If these weapons are not availible, or not ready, what do you do?  Fall back to what has worked in the past.  Hijack an airliner and fly it into something with a lot of people.

So now I'm wondering ... was one of the bowl games targeted and did we foul up thier plans?  Still a few games left.  Lets hope these people we accuse of crying wolf have done their job perfectly.  If they have, we will never know ... will we?  CP

9:23:47 PM    comment []



"The majority of Americans don't buy the arguments of a strident minority that our offensive operations in this war have not actually helped our security situation at home. Howard Dean can declare that the capture of Saddam doesn't make him feel any more secure, but my suspicion is that the majority of Americans think that indicates he's either a fool or a liar.

I do not wish to suppress dissent. It is important that there be people who criticize our policies. If I hear no such criticism I will become deeply worried.

However, such criticism can be persuasive and valid, or it can be laughable and unconvincing. It is a comforting sign when there is a great deal of criticism, and when nearly all of it is laughable and unconvincing and shows no sign of persuading the majority. We've seen a hell of a lot of that in the last year."

[USS Clueless]

8:47:07 PM    comment []


Switch to Linux and be COOL!

Thanks OD

8:14:12 PM    comment []


Resolutions from the Gruchy Old Cripple

7. I will try to explain to conservative purists why staying home and not voting for Bush is a vote for a Dimocrat. I too am pissed about compassionate conservatism which seems to mean steel tariffs, an abomination of a farm bill, and an unneeded prescription drug program. ( Dammit Dubya! You're a Republican. Start governing like one! Quit spending so much money! Veto a spending bill! ) The important thing to ask yourself is this: Do you want to put the defense of this country in the hands of any of the Dimocrats who are running? The only one I can visualize actually putting the defense of this country paramount is Joe Lieberman, and I'm not sure about him. It looks like Dean will win the nomination. Do you want him as the commander-in-chief? If you do, stay home on election day and punish Dubya just like you did his father.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

5:27:42 PM    comment []


Leap of Faith

The Jedi is getting hitched to one of our own.  Congratulations to Deb and Jay.  A marriage made in Blogdom.

[The Accidental Jedi]

5:00:29 PM    comment []


Wideman's War Against White People

The Worst American Essay of 2003

There's a particularly bad and frustrating essay by John Edgar Wideman in here that I recommend avoiding. It's his take on 9/11, which can be boiled down to "since white people had slavery, they deserve 9/11." His writing style is atrocious (i.e., he uses strange structures that lack rhythm and often seem to need a different form of punctuation than what was given), and his views are absurd and hateful (against Jews in particular, and whites in general).[my emphasis.]

[The Tears of Things]

4:41:30 PM    comment []


Howard Dean Campaign - Decals Memo

4:28:51 PM    comment []


Dean's Definition of Safer

"Here he goes again - the beet-faced raging liberal Howard Dean is once again charging that George Bush is "reckless" and that America is no safer now than it was 3 years ago. Somehow I think he's been getting his newspaper subscription via Pony Express."

[The Smarter Cop] 

4:19:48 PM    comment []


anti-Israel bias by the NY Times?  No way!

"But of course no concessions are enough for the NY Times, which I believe insists on nothing less than a full evacuation of Israel."

[curi's domain]

3:55:49 PM    comment []


The Complete, Unabridged Donktionary®

I went through Democratic Underground (DU) to get some ideas for this, and it made me think of something : Remember the version of hell presented by the movie "What Dreams May Come?" You know it's just in your mind at first, but if you stay there too long, it sucks you in and you become part of it, and your mind essentially creates hell for you. Maybe that's what happens to DU posters who seem to have massive tinfoil hat syndrome. They go there expecting rational debate, but the idiocy is so strong that it assimilates them. Just a thought.

[Semi-Intelligent Thoughts]

3:47:28 PM    comment []


Self-important or self-reliant?

"Whatever the opinion of any given traditional journalist or publication, the reality is that newspapers have already begun to change they way they do journalism on the Web, and everywhere else. They are wide open to public scrutiny in unprecedented ways, and also have a real need to address their reader's wants and preferences more than ever before. With a public that now has access, in some cases, to many of the same sources of news and now the ability to publish to a wide audience, I can see why many traditionalists would hope we (the bloggers) go away soon. "


3:38:59 PM    comment []



Now some scientists are saying Soot is the big new climate threat Ho-hum! As if they'd know. I guess Europe must have roasted during the industrial revolution with all those coal-burning steam engines and domestic fireplaces churning out soot by the tons!

[Dissecting Leftism]

Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence!

3:29:47 PM    comment []



New Year's Eve in Baghdad was marred by a terrorist attack that murdered five Iraqis. Here in the states, we celebrated yet another safe New Year's Eve. Regular readers of this blog know that we've been very critical of...

[Cox & Forkum]

8:58:20 AM    comment []


Happy Hangover!

The Grouchy Old Cripple has the cure.

2:01:13 AM    comment []


Whiners of the year for 2003

"They made us groan. They made us grumble. They made us a global laughingstock. The whiners of 2003 embarrassed themselves – and the nation – with their unrivaled sense of entitlement, arrogance and shamelessness. Let's send them off with a 21-hankie salute and a collective kick in the pants."

1:50:04 AM    comment []

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