Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:46 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Friday, January 09, 2004


Maybe some schools (and I use the word 'schools' loosely) should worry a little more about teaching kids something and a little less about how many students and teachers are going to be slaughtered by finger nail clippers.

They could start by trying to generate a little interest in learning the ABC's. For those of you with dial-up there will appear to be nothing happening but just be patient.  A 1.5 meg file is loading.

**This is a totally NSFW link. For that matter, it's a totally not safe for kids link. As well as a totally not safe for prudish types. You've been warned.

found at Stupid Evil Bastard

11:12:55 PM    comment []


Both Washington and New Mexico make lame attempts to take the coveted Micky Mouse Trophy for Stupid Zero-Tolerance Rules from California.

Nice try guys! 

From The Wall Street Journal.........

 In other zero-tolerance news, the Seattle Times reports that Alexander Graham Bell Elementary School in nearby Kirkland has expanded zero-tolerance madness to cover snowball fights:

Julie Miles has two kids at A.G. Bell Elementary in Kirkland, a school with a zero tolerance for snowballs. Students there say they were told they can't even touch the snow, much less pack and hurl it.

And they're at it again in Rio Rancho, N.M. The Associated Press reports "a teenager has been suspended from Rio Rancho Mid-High School for five days for bringing an over-the-counter drug to school." The drug, Gas-X, "breaks up gas bubbles in the digestive tract."

10:54:34 PM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

Postcard from Mars.

2:15:31 PM    comment []


Richard your getting slow

Well it took RICHARD C. HOAGLAND (Face on Mars man) of the ENTERPRISE MISSION a little longer than I thought to turn Rocks into some sort of evidence of past life on mars. He now claims “Machinery Found at Spirit...

[Left Coast Conservative]

1:41:41 PM    comment []


The Bigger Threat

In today's New York Times Tom Friedman beautifully nails a point that I have attempted to make a number of times.

What you are witnessing is why Sept. 11 amounts to World War III — the third great totalitarian challenge to open societies in the last 100 years. As the longtime Middle East analyst Abdullah Schleiffer once put it to me: World War II was the Nazis,...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

1:37:04 PM    comment []


Will she or won't she?

Watch your makeup compact, Hillary, Florida's Katherine Harris may have her eyes on the United States Senate.

1:33:47 PM    comment []


Allah squeezes everything that's happening in the news into one post.

Allah will not deny it. There are a lot of long faces in Paradise this afternoon. Shahids who used to spend their days planning airplane attacks now sit around jacking off to the World's Most Alarmist Website. Look at that...

[Allah Is In The House]

If your newsreader has a thousand backed up posts to read like mine does and you just don't have the time, dump them all and just read Allah's post today.  CP

1:21:22 PM    comment []


CAN-SPAM means we can spam

'No effect' on junk mail

Just as I predicted. CP

[The Register]

1:08:53 PM    comment []



SayUncle passed around a warning awhile back about a way to almost transparently spoof links to websites. Lo and behold,...

[Shots Across The Bow]

12:31:04 PM    comment []


The possibility of annihalation exists

Israeli historian Benny Morris seems to believe in following logic all the way to a conclusion. What he finds there isn't pretty. But if his reasoning is correct, then the entire West may be facing a diminishing number of stark...

[Silent Running]

12:20:37 PM    comment []


Some appreciation

I'm reprinting in it's entirety here, for lack of any good way to excerpt, this article by my friend, and former Marine, Gordon Dillow, from today's Orange County Register (registration required). It makes most clear the fact that we owe our appreciation for their sacrifices,...

[Sgt. Stryker's Daily Briefing]

12:00:41 PM    comment []


 2004 Hooters Calendar

This should make some people real happy - just not the ones you would expext! CP

Thanks Bob

11:42:58 AM    comment []




That, according to the Portuguese Prime Minister:Former US president Bill Clinton said in October during a visit to Portugal that he was convinced Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until the fall of Saddam Hussein, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose...


Yes Michael.  I'm sure we will see all the Democrats now lining up to say how sorry they were that they ever doubted.

Something else on this subject.  Does anyone remember way back in the dark ages before the liberation of Iraq all the threats flying back and forth between us and the Iraq government? 

I remember one particular day when it all came to a head and you knew from what was being said by our side that we were in fact going to attack.  From that point to the beginning of hostilities was several months.  I remember thinking to myself at the time that there was no way we would find any WMD when we got there.  If I was Saddam I would have ordered my generals to start trucking the stuff to Syria at once.  They had loads of time to get rid of all traces of it and of course that is exactly what happened.  Why did we think we would be able to find anything when we got there?  Its crazy. 

If you were a drug dealer and the cops sent you a letter saying - two months from today we are going to raid your house for drugs, what would you do?  Don't know about you but when they showed up they would be interrupting a prayer meeting in my spotlessly clean house.  Give me a break.  You give the enemy two months notice that you are coming and expect to find something when you get there?  CP

9:34:11 AM    comment []


Taliban Lite

[Cox & Forkum]

8:51:14 AM    comment []


"Guest Workers"

While I disagree with Mr. Ransom's characterization of the Bush plan as "Open Borders", I think he is exactly right on the economic effects of it... The WSJ comes out...

[American RealPolitik]

8:48:26 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

8:45:30 AM    comment []


Free Speech Roundup..

Puppy Blender has a roundup of opinion on the Free Speech Zones set up whenever Bush shows up at a public venue. Commentary ranges from du Toit to Quick on the side against it, and Bill Hobbs holds the opinion I share. The Argument: The First Amendment is being stepped on because the protesters ...

[Capitalist Lion]

2:06:50 AM    comment []



Mike over at The Feces Flinging Monkey points to this account of a huge passenger plane that ran out of fuel. While it was over a huge lake. And all airports were out of glide range. So everyone died, right?...

[Hell In A Handbasket]

1:53:14 AM    comment []


My Evaluation.

Did y'all realize that 40 years ago today (Thursday if you are reading this on Friday) Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty? Yep! 40 years ago today was the opening salvo in the War on Poverty. Ya wanna talk about a quagmire? We got one here. We've thrown trillions at it and all we have to show for it is more poverty. Let's just give up and bring the troops home.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

1:40:58 AM    comment []


Beer Lights

1:29:35 AM    comment []


Picture of the Day

Just found this blog and would like to see all of the pictures ever used in The Picture of the Day?

Go here and enjoy.

12:47:12 AM    comment []


Man Gets Free Cable - Sues For Family's Obesity.

"I believe that the reason I smoke and drink every day and my wife is overweight is because we watched TV every day for the last four years,” Dumouchel stated in a written complaint against the company, included in a Fond du Lac police report.

from the Fon Du Lac Reporter

[Dowbrigade News]
12:31:18 AM    comment []

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