Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:54 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004


From the Opinion Journal on .....

 The O'Neill Kerfuffle
Remember Paul O'Neill? Neither did we, but he was President Bush's first Treasury secretary. Gently shown the door a little over a year ago, O'Neill has resurfaced, having collaborated on a new book, "The Price of Loyalty," by erstwhile Wall Street Journal reporter Ron Suskind. O'Neill is now a critic, sort of, of the Bush administration, and for about 36 hours--between the time "60 Minutes" aired Sunday and the time "Today" aired today--he was a hero of the Angry Left, driving former Enron adviser Paul Krugman into a frenzy of excitement.

Krugman credits O'Neill with showing "courage" by "giving us an invaluable, scathing insider's picture of the Bush administration." Among other things, O'Neill reveals that President Bush wanted to cut taxes. But didn't he make some mention of that in the 2000 campaign? "Most startling of all," Krugman writes, "Donald Rumsfeld pushed the idea of regime change in Iraq as a way to transform the Middle East at a National Security Council meeting in February 2001."

Why does Krugman find this "startling"? As O'Neill himself said on "Today" today, "People are trying to make a case that I said the president was planning war in Iraq early in the administration. Actually, there was a continuation of work that had been going on in the Clinton administration with the notion that there needed to be regime change in Iraq." He continues:

One of the candidates had said this confirms his worst suspicions. I'm amazed that anyone would think that our government, on a continuing basis across political administrations, doesn't do contingency planning and look at circumstances. Saddam Hussein has been this forever. And so, I was surprised, as I've said in the book, that Iraq was given such a high priority. But I was not surprised that we were doing a continuation of planning that had been going on and looking at contingency options during the Clinton administration.

It's cute, too, how last week the Angry Left was denouncing the Bush administration for having "no plan" for Iraq, and now the complaint is that it did have a plan.

"There's much more in Mr. Suskind's book," Krugman raves. "All of it will dismay those who still want to believe that our leaders are wise and good." But the Associated Press notes that O'Neill doesn't share Krugman's enthusiasm:

Asked if he plans to vote for Bush in November's presidential election, O'Neill said he "probably" would. "I don't see anyone who is better prepared or more capable," he told NBC.

This underscores why the Democrats are in such deep trouble. So effectively have they convinced themselves of an absurdly overwrought case against President Bush that they've forgotten you can't beat an incumbent without a plausible challenger--and thus they seem likely to end up with Howard Dean, or maybe Wesley Clark. But we'd better stop there; we don't want to ruin the story by telling you how it ends.

11:43:04 PM    comment []


Picture of the Day

Dog Herding! Taken at the "Nut Farm" near Hanford, California

pic 1pic2pic3

All Pictures of the Day

11:37:38 PM    comment []


Wesley and the War Criminal

 U.S. diplomats warned Clark not to go to Bosnian Serb military headquarters to meet Mladic, considered by U.S. intelligence as the mastermind of the Srebrenica massacre of Muslim civilians (and still at large, sought by NATO peacekeeping forces). Besides the exchange of hats, they drank wine together, and Mladic gave Clark a bottle of brandy and a pistol.

from Dan at Wisblog

10:18:07 PM    comment []


Bambi alive and well

Thanks Sid

10:07:40 PM    comment []


My hero's have always been Cowboys

Thanks Linda

9:56:27 PM    comment []


T-Shirt: Dean RetrAction Figure

[Cox & Forkum]

9:18:13 PM    comment []


  Protect your pet from those awful brain scans by the NSA, FBI, and CIA.

All the protection measures you have worked so hard to put in place are worthless if your pet is giving you up!  They will knock your door down and haul you off to the concentration camp and you will be wondering why.

By the way -- how many of you have had friends, relatives, or neighbors hauled off to the Concentration camps?  Haven't heard too much about it.  You would have thought by now we would have noticed a lot of people missing.  Why haven't they come for me yet?  CP

9:03:38 PM    comment []


Educational Quagmire

[American RealPolitik]

8:05:23 PM    comment []


Smoke Him

This is why you don't want to screw with  the armed forces of the United States.

Graphic video footage from the gun camera of a U.S. Apache helicopter provides a window into the rules of engagement that often determine life and death in Iraq. The video, obtained by ABCNEWS, shows grainy images of three Iraqis on the ground handling a long cylindrical object that...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

7:57:21 PM    comment []


Who'd have thunk it?

Our unilateral action in Iraq now features troops from Mongolia. I highly recommend reading that article, by the way. It's got some cool pics and some fascinating historical information, like this tidbit: The last time Mongol soldiers were in Iraq...

[The Accidental Jedi]

2:25:57 PM    comment []




2:13:49 PM    comment []



When I was growing up in the 1960's, a week didn't go by without some activist getting on TV and screaming about how nuclear weapons were just so terrible, one bomb will poison the earth for miles around the explosion...

[Hell In A Handbasket]

2:08:30 PM    comment []


"The Jewish Question".

Mark Steyn reports on the difference in Britain between speech criticizing Jews and speech criticizing Muslims. To state truthful things about Islam (e.g. it is harsh towards women) is reprehensible, and grounds for dismissal of a reporter. To advocate the...

[The Interocitor]

What the hell has gone wrong with the Mother Country?  CP

2:00:59 PM    comment []



1:35:38 PM    comment []



QuickTime panoramic image from Mars.

[Scripting News]

1:31:31 PM    comment []


12:44:04 PM    comment []


The Grand Oil Conspiracy

With the recent accusations by Paul O'Neill, the lefties are going insane over the fact that President Bush had a plan on the table prior to 9/11 for the deposing of Saddam Hussein. "See? He planned it in advance! It's all about the oil!" Sorry, guys. The fact is that regime change in Iraq has been the official policy of the United States since 1998, when President Clinton signed into...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

12:25:06 PM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

Universal Studio's back lot!

12:09:58 PM    comment []



They tried yelling. They tried screaming. They tried throwing themselves on the ground, pitching a red-faced fit, kicking and wailing. They tried stealing the ball and running away like sissies. Then they tried crying to momma, but momma saw the...

[The SmarterCop]

12:00:35 PM    comment []


Seattle terrorist attack!


11:53:20 AM    comment []


1000 Words

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

11:40:13 AM    comment []


Not much this morning because its training day where I work.  Oh no! you say.  That's awful.  We know all about that training stuff!

Not so fast.  Where I work 'training' involves shooting the hell out of one of these babiesJust one of the many fun tools we get to use.

I'm off to do my duty to God and country.  CP

5:22:45 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

5:16:28 AM    comment []

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