Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:48 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Saturday, January 10, 2004


Dr. Howard Dean - Drug Using Wife Beater.

I was sent this by a reader and have no idea of it's veracity (for one thing it describes Dean...


Nothing on snopes yet but you can be sure they are researching it as we type.  CP

9:50:57 PM    comment []


  Mars Rover

Forget the media.  Download your own Mars Pictures.  38.5 MB.  Took me about 10 minutes - for dial-up mmmmmm never mind!  CP

[Dog Snot Diaries]

9:01:03 PM    comment []


Bush Planned Iraq Invasion -- So What?

We elect Presidents to think strategically and act to defend and protect the US. Any President who didn't have a plan for an Iraq invasion in the past twelve years would have been derelict in his duty. Rather than gasp with horror, we should ask why it took the US twelve long years, wasting tens of billions of dollars, to resolve the Iraqi crisis.

[Captain's Quarters]

8:40:32 PM    comment []


Clearance sale!

I've got to start getting rid of some of this junk in my yard.  The neighbor's are starting to worry about property values.

Will not ship.  Pick up only.

8:31:27 PM    comment []


Oh the Quagmire!

Back in the saddle in Iraq

Former president Saddam Hussein's son Uday "used to run this club, and his horses had to win or the jockey would be punished. One was beaten and kicked to death right in front of the stands," said Raad Samir, 32, a businessman who owns several race horses. "Now it is much more comfortable. A jockey can win or lose without fear."

7:39:57 PM    comment []


We're Number 50!

I opened the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation and this article was on the front page. I love living in the South, but at times like these, I kinda wish I were back in Missouri.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

The Grouch goes postal on his local paper.  If you are one of those people who think there are 'BAD WORDS' and not just words, then don't bother reading further.  A lot of the things he says about his local school system apply to the whole country and money is not the answer.  Getting back to teaching kids what they need to survive in this world and away from worrying about little Johnnie's and little Susie's self esteem is a big part of the answer in my opinion.  CP

5:58:43 PM    comment []



And what has amazed and delighted me most is just how varied and diverse a group it is, and yet, one driven by an identical passion to do or write or say what they can to help defend this country when it is under attack, both physical and ideological. So far, the only thing I have been able to find in common among us is a deep and abiding sense of gratitude for being lucky enough to live in this magnificent nation. Beyond that, we are as scattered and unlikely as that group that found itself at the base of Devil’s Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind – a smattering of like-minded strangers, each driven by their own internal visions to arrive at the same place at the same time.

[Eject! Eject! Eject!]

1:28:37 PM    comment []


He feels her pain

1:21:08 PM    comment []


Keeping Out the Riff-Raff

You know Bush's fascist apartheid scheme to fingerprint and photograph everyone who comes into this country, just like at a Nazi death camp? Well, it looks like it's working.

AMERICA'S controversial foreign visitor screening program has nabbed 30 criminals in its first...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

My question is - why are we just starting to do this now?  Why haven't we been doing this forever?  CP

8:41:55 AM    comment []

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