Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:57 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


Osama Good - Bush Bad!

[Allah Is In The House]

10:23:30 PM    comment []


Acidman caught with the Jamaican Babe's!

Captured from a satellite photo, I've discovered exactly who Acidman's hanging out with these days. Look at all the...

[Gut Rumbles]

10:01:37 PM    comment []


Can I steal two from the blight today?  Ah hell - why not? CP

Fur Flies in Iowa.

Honestly, a catfight at a tittie bar has nothing on politicians for class... Dean's really slingin' mud now, honey; he's gone and called Wesley Clark (gasp) a..a...Republican! Aieee! Meanwhile, lower in the trenches, Dick Gephardt points out some useful discrepancies...

[suburban blight]

9:56:35 PM    comment []


News Flash! and the Captain survives another doctor visit!

Britney Spears believes in the 'sanctity' of marriage!! Riiiight. And I believe that's the funniest headline I've seen all night.... LATER: No, I take it back. That's not the funniest headline I've seen all night. The funniest headline tonight was either Government Announces Crackdown on Exorcists or Town Persuades Prostitutes to Wear Longer Dresses. In the long run, Britney isn't quite as funny as whores and demons...

[suburban blight]

Thanks for brightening my day Kelley.  A lot of us don't have the luxury of having a million readers sending us great headlines every day so we have to depend on people like you.

I really needed cheering up today after visiting the doctor.  No bad news -- just one of those visits that a lot of men dread with a passion and usually put off for years till someone they know dies of prostate cancer. 

It's a very traumatic experience for some of us.  They have that wonderful PSA test now but when the numbers come back in a certain range the doctor starts putting on that glove and blocks the door you were heading for.  When it's all over he says "Your ok - but you should have this done every year".  Sure thing doc!  I can't wait till next year!  CP

9:46:51 PM    comment []


The Results of Clean Living

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

8:58:00 PM    comment []


"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves in all cases to which they think themselves competent, or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press." --Thomas Jefferson

Found at American Realpolitik

8:52:09 PM    comment []



Video file not that big so safe for dial-up.

Story here.

3:47:16 PM    comment []


You bastards

KVUE.COM ["Austin's News Site"]  trumpets this terror: 100,000 kids lose health coverage The reason, it turns out, is stricter eligibility rules passed by the Legislature, including this horror: "State officials will begin denying coverage to families if they have...

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

9:43:48 AM    comment []


Socialism: The Minnesota Explanation

[Captain's Quarters]

A fine example of what I hear from people I work with.  They have been raised to believe that the government should supply all of these nice to have things for everyone who cannot afford them which is just about everyone.  They are being taught in public school that the rich should pay for everything and this is probably reinforced at home.  Sad.  CP

9:28:42 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

9:11:37 AM    comment []


Rule number one

See, it isn't that the number of attacks is down, it's that the Pentagon claims that the number of attacks is down. One can almost see the exchange of knowing looks between the reporter and her non-stupid readers: We all know that the Pentagon is probably lying about this, right? Wink-wink, nudge-nudge?

[USS Clueless]

3:06:44 AM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mars SUV ready to roll.

2:47:16 AM    comment []

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