Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:43 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Thursday, January 08, 2004



10:26:42 PM    comment []


Flight Sim enquiry raises terror alert

I got more Flight Sim stuff then you can shake a stick at and a pilots licence.  Come and get me!  CP

[The Register]

9:50:47 PM    comment []


Global Zorching

Not to scare anyone but this could happen again tomorrow and we would not know it was coming.  Don't worry about having your affairs in order - it won't matter!  As I have always said to those who think the human race is so important ---- we are just a small blip on the radar screen of time and space and so called Mother Nature will rid herself of us in short order with a slight shudder.  The insects will inherit the earth once again.  Life will go on!  CP

[USS Clueless]

5:08:33 PM    comment []


Great cartoons from the 02 election.

A lot of these can just be recycled after November this year.

4:42:28 PM    comment []



Thanks Gary

3:53:50 PM    comment []


MoveOn Greenlights 'They Saved Hitler's Brain'.

Internet activism group MoveOn.org announced today that Oliver Stone's remake of the 1963 science fiction film They Saved Hitler's Brain has won top prize in their 'Bush In 30 Seconds' commercial competition. A jury of film experts headed by 2002..


3:46:37 PM    comment []


Gotta have it!

When the first Mustang came out I had just moved (hitch hiked) to LA after getting booted out of college in Idaho and was working as a bag boy in Hughes Market in Burbank.  One of the stockman for the store drove up in the first new Mustang any of us had seen and the whole store emptied out to look at it.  The manager yelled us all back to our senses but not before I decided that I was not going to be a bag boy all my life and I was going to have one of those cars some day. 

Now here I am all these years later when they bring it back and I can't afford it again unless I never want to retire!!!!!  Life sucks sometimes!  CP

3:16:18 PM    comment []


Tom Robbins.

"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature."

[Quotes of the Day]

To all of you who say we should not spend on exploration and give all the money to the poor people who don't want to work I say - BYTE ME!  CP

2:56:19 PM    comment []


Pictures of the Day

Now this is my kind of shooting!

Thanks Bob

2:45:19 PM    comment []


Nice try lady!

I use the word lady very loosely.

2:36:10 PM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Hills of Mars.

7:29:13 AM    comment []


Immigration Reform

So far, what I've seen and read on Bush's new immigration initiative is long on concept and short on details, but it at least acknowledges two truths: there are some jobs that Americans won't perform at almost any pay rate, let alone at an economically realistic rate, and that we can't deport 8 million people who we can't easily locate. The problem on the right are too many people who scream for "law enforcement" directed at a huge number of people who are mostly interested in keeping their heads down and working hard for next to nothing. In a way, it's sort of like our nation's drug problem: we have a huge agricultural industry that relies on cheap labor. We can't get it here, but no one wants to allow nearly enough people across the border (as permanent residents) to work the fields, so we wind up with a smuggling problem of monstrous proportions. The border patrol tries interdiction, which fails miserably across a 1,500-mile border.

[Captain's Quarters]

For years I have been hearing from both sides that we need immigration reform.  The only two solutions I have heard are to completely close the borders or give complete amnesty.  Now that someone finally offers a workable solution all I hear is that its nothing but an election ploy.  The Captain's Quarters calmly annualizes the problem and the offered solutions instead of adding to the knee jerk response that has been spewing from all directions the last few days.

As a child growing up in ND I remember visiting my uncle's sugar beet farm in the Red River Valley once or twice a year.  I remember the Mexican workers coming up from Brownsville on the same day every year and leaving six months later on the same day.  They made enough in the six months to live all year and were very happy to get it.  They were very careful to leave so they would have enough time to get back across the border in time.  They did not want to endanger their worker status by being late.  The system seemed to work fine and everyone was happy.  The biggest day for them every year was the day my uncle would hand them the piece of paper they needed to come back the next year.  I swear they wanted to kneel down and kiss his feet every year on that day.  What happened to the system that seemed to work so well back then?  CP

6:57:22 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

6:36:36 AM    comment []

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