Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:09:17 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Thursday, January 29, 2004


 Thieves take car; cops make music

Thanks GBT

4:19:12 PM    comment []


Give 'em an inch.....

Ever is it thus. When a Republican president offers what is supposed to be a sop to liberals, such as...

[The Spoons Experience]

Maybe ol "W" is not quite as dumb as everyone seems to want him to be! CP

3:20:04 PM    comment []




3:07:38 PM    comment []



Morphases is an online next generation software in face manipulation. It allows user to modify and create human faces from different elements in real time with almost an unlimited power.

3:04:51 PM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

12:36:25 PM    comment []


The Bush Recession

You know that recession that was caused by Bush and his horrible economic policies? Well, it looks like Bush is such an incompetent president he caused the recession to start two months before he took office.

The committee of economists that sets the dates of U.S. recessions and expansions is considering moving the starting point of the latest recession to as early as...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

10:13:00 AM    comment []


A lot of so called conservatives out there need to read this! CP

Time for a little analysis.

The issue du jour: Bush is apparently going to seek a "big" budget increase for the National Endowment for the Arts.

A lot of physical conservatives pull a knee-jerk and start with the ranting about Bush's spending. To that I'll say this: First, this is a $15 Million drop in the bucket, and it's never going to pass Congress. Second, I'll say that those who continually gripe about this stuff to the degree of saying: "Well hmmph, Bush isn't a real conservative, so I'm not going to vote for him." need to bring their heads back into the realm of sunlight, because if you have studied history, you certainly haven't learned from it.

When your done reading this then read this...........

A little more analysis. 

 [Capitalist Lion]

10:00:22 AM    comment []


Someone You Should Know - Mike Low

Mike Low had this to say yesterday: "I think the country as a whole is tired of hearing about 9-11 but they are missing something very important, that these people are out there in great numbers and they intend to...

[Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love]

And there are so called conservatives out there who have forgotten we are at war and want to dump Bush in the middle of the fighting because they have bought into the media lies about the state of the economy.  CP

8:10:09 AM    comment []

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