Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:09:14 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004



Don't you hate it when that happens?!!!!!

I usually don't bother with news items that every blog in the world has already posted about but Andy's post over at The World Wide Rant just struck me so funny.  CP

10:13:04 PM    comment []


Picture of the Day


I got my first virus!  Two at once no less!

All Pictures of the Day.

9:43:57 PM    comment []


With Dean taking himself out of the running ("Yeeeeeeeearrrrrrhhhhh!" )

Kerry has no one to run against except....KERRY!

John Kerry, we know, is running against John Kerry: his own voting record. But there is another record that John Kerry is running against, and this has to do with his very emergence as a Democratic politician: Kerry, the proud Vietnam veteran vs. Kerry, the antiwar activist who accused his fellow Vietnam veterans of the most heinous atrocities imaginable.

9:31:55 PM    comment []


Unfair and Unbalanced

What liberal media?

The funny thing about the Times' "editing errors" is that they all lean in the same direction. What happens is that essentially every article is edited with a slant to make it anti-Republican and anti-President Bush. The editors' goal is to keep their efforts within the zone of "spin" rather than straying into the area of factual error that requires correction. For every article that the Times is forced to admit is erroneous, there are hundreds that are unfair or misleading.


9:22:52 PM    comment []


He grabbed his leg? THAT'S a body-slam?

Mike has a hilarious look at the Franken story. In a general sense, this can be summarized into an example of why folks like Franken have failed on talk radio (to date).  The reason?  The callers interact, instead of sitting with a softball questioner.  Al's...

[North Georgia Dogma]

9:14:25 PM    comment []


All I want for Christmas.........!

9:04:14 PM    comment []


See what your page would have looked like in the good old days. CP

The Good Ole' Days

Dan Lyke: Come back with us now to those days of yesteryear, when the title="The web as we remember it">Deja Vu offers an old-timey browser emulator, so you can see your own website as it would look to someone using NCSA Mosaic.

[Flutterby!] [Jeff's Radio Weblog]

8:58:16 PM    comment []



Seems the problem is that many of our warships are approaching the end of their operational life. More ships are being retired...

[Hell In A Handbasket]

8:43:06 PM    comment []



Is he truly interested in the security of the United States during a protracted war unlike any others we have fought? Peter Huessy, in the Washington Times, says not a chance.

[The SmarterCop]

8:22:53 PM    comment []


Polling Schmolling!

Polls and other lies

[USS Clueless]

7:57:27 PM    comment []


"We should have a Volleyballocracy.
We elect a six-pack of presidents.
Each one serves until they screw up,
at which point they rotate."

-- Dennis Miller

7:51:49 PM    comment []


New BBC Chair Benny Hill Vows Staff Jiggle-Up

While vindicating Downing Street, the Hutton inquiry report laid out a devastating array of criticisms against BBC news practices including the use of unverifyable sources, fabricating quotes, inventing evidence, gross bias, incompetence and "an appalling lack of buxom birds cavorting in their knickers."


Come on ... lighten up folks.  For me tonight is tax night and tomorrow is house refinance day.  Wish I had a handful of that stuff Rush had!

Did you watch ABC Nightly Comedy News Hour crown Kerry our countries first King tonight?  What a laugher!  For them it's all over and Kerry is suddenly George Washington,  Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill all rolled into one.  Did I mention he served in Viet Nam?  CP

6:59:58 PM    comment []


 When virus hysteria strikes

When the wolf-crying dies down, reporters will begin to write stories about why the virus failed to destroy the Internet as predicted. They'll ask the antivirus industry for follow-up quotes. And the industry's publicity hounds will oblige any reporter who calls. These quotes will fall into two general categories:

  1. those who congratulate the media for alerting everyone in time to save the Internet from its most recent pending catastrophe;
  2. those who congratulate the antivirus industry for working 'round-the-clock to find an antidote.

The media's follow-up stories will make fearmongers look like they were the 'voices of sanity' all along. The true critics of virus hysteria will see little or no media exposure.


6:40:44 PM    comment []


Department: It's the end of the world!

 What a Bunch of Hot Air
The Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader looks at John Kerry's record on "global warming" and unearths this quote from May 2000: "In Massachusetts, we always looked forward to fall because the ponds froze over and we could play hockey. Today, you are lucky if the ponds freeze in northern New Hampshire. Up there . . . I do not wear a coat until after November now."

This quote makes the haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat, who by the way served in Vietnam, look rather silly, given that he's just been campaigning in New Hampshire during a bitterly cold winter. But the global-warming zealots aren't deterred. Today's New York Times carries an op-ed piece by one Paul R. Epstein, who claims--we're not making this up--that global warming causes frigid weather.

When the weather gets warmer, that's because of global warming. When the weather gets colder, that's because of global warming too. "Global warming" thus is unfalsifiable; adherents insist all contrary evidence actually supports the theory. This isn't a scientific hypothesis; it's a conspiracy theory.


6:27:35 PM    comment []


 Wacky Wesley
The Weekly Standard's David Tell publishes a bizarre Monday speech by Wesley Clark in its entirety, "just so's nobody thinks I'm being unfair." If you think we're being unfair, go to the link; we're just highlighting the paragraph that struck us as oddest:

I was in one war I came home from on a stretcher with a Silver Star and a Purple Heart. My son was a lieutenant in the Army. I believe in our veterans. I believe in public service. And I led our forces in another war that saved a million and a half people. If you want someone to get us out of a war, you elect a general who's been in a war and knows how little can be accomplished by fighting.

So he "saved a million and a half people" by going to war, and he also "knows how little can be accomplished by fighting"? And he must be awfully ashamed of his son for being a mere lieutenant, like John Kerry.


6:24:02 PM    comment []



The Fall of the Athenian Republic

Law professor demonstrates that the results of the 2000 presidential election correspond to an 18th century historian's prediction of conditions accompanying the downfall of democracy.

[New Urban Legends]

1:28:20 PM    comment []


Everyone is doing the map thing so here is mine.  That's right - all 50 states.

Born in California and raised in Oklahoma and North Dakota.  Thanks to the U.S. Navy lived in California, Hawaii (6 years), and Missouri.  The rest of the states were all touched in a 1989 motorcycle trip on my Gold Wing.  I just decided to see how many states I could check off during my month long vacation.  Touched 6 states in the north east in one 24 hour period.  I had this idea I was going to stop and take a picture of the bike on each state line.  I quickly gave up on that idea.  Seems that a lot of state lines especially back east are in the middle of rivers with nothing but a little sign on the bridge with no way to stop.  My time in Alaska was several hours at Adak on a P3 run from Hawaii to pick up Alaskan King Crab.  I'll do my 32 countries on the world map some other time.

12:37:34 PM    comment []


Big surpise? 

The WaTIMES examines some Disturbing discrepancies about Theresa Heinz's husband.     "During the height of the Cold War, Mr. Kerry opposed the entire strategic modernization effort proposed by President Reagan -- the Peacekeeper, B-1 and B-2 bombers, the...

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

10:18:06 AM    comment []


so wrong

This falls into the "Yeah, I was vaguely aware that we kept Aunt Betty in the attic, but it really didn't  hit home until after she ate Fluffy" category.     Last night I watched this deal about...

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

10:14:27 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

9:47:33 AM    comment []


Unlike this tireless web surfing student at the University of Oklahoma I'm not going to make it till 2:42 am today.

Good night all.

1:23:35 AM    comment []


A Nation of Idiots

If you've ever wondered why the Japanese are kicking our asses, it's because their kids study math and physics and science, and our kids study the lies of Michael Moore.

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

Certainly no surprise coming from Humboldt State.  CP

1:17:27 AM    comment []


Astronomy Picture of the Day

oops...missed one so you get two today.

Jan. 27Jan. 28

1:06:32 AM    comment []


Michael Moore is Hitler....oops....I mean lying!

Michael Moore posted yet another message about Bush going AWOL. I'll summarize it for you so you don't have to bother reading it. "Blah, blah, blah. Bush went AWOL. Blah blah blah. Bush is a liar. Blah blah blah. It's a pro-Bush corporate media conspiracy. Blah blah blah." Everything he's written there has been debunked both by me and others. (See...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

12:35:03 AM    comment []


One hit wonders

That song from the 50's, 60's, or 70's keeps popping into you head and you realize you can't remember the artist's name or any other hit they had.  Here is all the answers.  CP

12:23:43 AM    comment []


Ben Hecht

"Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock."

[Quotes of the Day]

12:17:06 AM    comment []


Looking South

ABC News reported Monday: Forget the South?. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is discounting notions that any Democratic candidate would have to appeal to Southern voters in order to win the presidency, calling such thinking a "mistake" during a speech...

[Cox & Forkum]

12:08:44 AM    comment []


Intelligence Failure - Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?

[Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love]

The only intelligence failure is that they didn't do the most obvious thing and stand at the border and take pictures of all the WMD's passing into Syria!  Get a clue people!!!!!  CP

12:00:48 AM    comment []

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