Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:09:10 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Monday, January 26, 2004


Picture of the Day

Well preserved cars.

Thanks Morey

8:22:29 PM    comment []


Kevin Sites returns to Iraq, new photos and essays from Baghdad. NBC combat correspondent and weblogger Kevin Sites has returned to Iraq, and posts two new entries to his blog today: "Coming Home," an essay about the psychological challenge for soldiers to "turn off the killer switch" as they prepare to return to their families in the US -- and a photo essay, excerpted here.

"These families of a rural neighborhood called Albo Eatha, south of Baghdad, were awakened at dawn by the 82nd Airborne's Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon, so their houses could be searched and their cooperation requested in stopping insurgent activities. Despite the early hour, the woman and children seemed cheerful. The imposition became an opportunity for them to socialize -- while helicopters and jet fighters flew overhead."

Links: Photos: Women and Children of Albo Eatha, and Coming Home Essay. Discussion forum here.
[Boing Boing Blog]

8:04:34 PM    comment []


Confessions of a Car Salesman

My favorite story from someone who just bought a new car is how they really took those guys to the cleaners.  If everyone that says they took the dealer to the cleaners really did there would be no dealers in business.

I once knew a car salesman and when asked he would always just say "There is no such thing as a 'good deal', there is only 'a deal', and the dealer always wins.  Just buy the damn car and enjoy driving it away.

7:55:15 PM    comment []



I do not need your permission to quote small parts of what you wrote. I do not require your permission to link to your site. I do not require your permission to write comments about what you said. Under the First Amendment and under the Fair Use exceptions of copyright law, I may do those things even if you do not want me to.

If you choose to remove your site that is your decision to make, but I will not make any changes whatever to what I have posted on my site just because you have a thin skin and are unwilling to take responsibility for what you wrote and what you think.

Part of participating in a democracy is accepting that your opinions may be unpopular. If you are patriotic, and if you truly think that your nation is embarked on an incorrect course, then you owe a duty to the nation to speak up and to try to convince your fellow citizens of that fact. That process will inevitably be difficult and you will suffer much abuse in doing so, but to avoid that duty is to fail your country.

[USS Clueless]

Read the whole thing - thats an order.  Capt. Poopdeck

7:46:20 PM    comment []



Larry the Cable Guy says it best. What the hell is this Russia? I'm more frustrated than an Amish farmer looking at a dirty book full of Amish Woman without their bonnets on and the pages is stuck together. Some...

[Dog Snot Diaries]

7:40:57 PM    comment []


Steyn Relives Impeachment

Mark Steyn takes a look back at his commentary on the Senate impeachment "trial" of Bill Clinton four years ago, and waxes nostalgic: ...with the benefit of hindsight, there’s something to be said for coasting through an entire Presidential term...


7:37:24 PM    comment []


Lying Bastards

The headline for this article reads: Cops Blasted By Gun Nut. It should read: "Newspaper Sub-Editor Blasted By Gun Nut", which, if I ever run across the asshole, will be true. Not a shred of proof that it was a "gun nut" who hosed down a cop van with machine-gun fire -- could have been Muslim assholes, IRA assholes, or drug-selling assholes. All those, plus a few more, have...

[Kim du Toit]

4:41:35 PM    comment []


Ice age will be caused by Global Warming!  Say what?

 If you read the whole article, just at the end it says that the same thing happened 12,700 years ago!  And I thought Global Warming was something we SUV lovers caused recently. 

4:37:22 PM    comment []


Eat me 

Mix  Michael Moore, vegans, film makers, McDonald's, and you'll get ... bullshit.  Morgan Spurlock had the bright idea that he would eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's and see what happens.  He had...

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

4:07:26 PM    comment []


Tom Stoppard

"I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity."

[Quotes of the Day]

12:48:52 PM    comment []



After the other day's concession that the world is indeed a safer place with Saddam Hussein out of power, Howie decided to approach the pessimism and anti-war rhetoric from a whole new angle, now saying that Iraqis were better off...

[The SmarterCop]

12:20:19 PM    comment []


Kerry Snaps Back at Clark

FORMER NAVY LIEUTENANT JOHN KERRY responded yesterday to dismissive remarks made by retired Army General Wesley Clark regarding his rank,...

[Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

11:21:50 AM    comment []


If you haven't seen this....

I received this link from Al Lynch - a Medal of Honor awardee and one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Wait till you see this!!! All I can say is wow!! God Bless our Troops and the...

[Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love]

If you don't have a high speed Internet connection this is going to take a long time to load but is well worth it.  Go take care of some of those things you have been putting of because of spending too much time on the Internet.  CP

11:02:51 AM    comment []


Send Da Goddess packing!

Lets get this woman off her knees and out of the country!

9:44:12 AM    comment []


Conduct Unbecoming

A Vietnam veteran takes on John Kerry.

In his book "Stolen Valor," B.G. Burkett points out that Mr. Kerry liberally used phony veterans to testify to atrocities they could not possibly have committed. Mr. Kerry later threw what he represented as his awards at the Capitol in protest. But as the war diminished as a political issue, he left the VVAW, which was a...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

9:21:26 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

8:36:43 AM    comment []


I couldn't resist

Thanks to comments left by Michael Demmons, The Discount Blogger, at this post, I now have a fresh new tag line under my blog title!  I love it!

Now I will get picked up by Google under all those wonderful descriptive words.  Maybe someday I will get a higher ranking then the real Bastard!

Thanks Michael.

7:48:41 AM    comment []

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