Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:40 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004



Sometimes I'd really like to be physically able to smack someone upside the head. I'd like to just grab them by their ears, shout "You blithering idiot!" and proceed with a few thousand word tirade as to exactly why that is. I had one of those moments when reading the comments on this post at th...

[Capitalist Lion]

10:52:21 PM    comment []


Out of the Rathole

[little green footballs]

10:24:57 PM    comment []


Coming home from the Quagmire

[Fox News]

10:08:33 PM    comment []


The Culture of Fear

Welcome to the sad, sorry state of science in 2004.

Climate change could drive more than a quarter of land animals and plants into extinction, according to a major new study published in tomorrow's edition of the journal Nature. The study estimates that climate change projected to take place between now and...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

10:01:16 PM    comment []


Bush and Immigrants

In case all those liberals who read us, (who?) think that we're not about to bash Bush on any policy, I'd say that political candidates are like church. You find one you like and mostly agree with and accept that...

[Zogby Blog]

8:54:48 PM    comment []


Don't Ask, Don't Tell

But GOC, what about the "unit cohesivness" argument? You know the fact that the heterosexuals will be uncomfortable around gay people.

That's funny. That's the same argument that was used about integrating the armed forces. Sure, there was some racism, but it passed or was snuffed out. I'm not saying it was completely wiped out, but if someone is shooting at you I don't think you really give a shit if the guy next to you is black or prefers to get it on with other guys.

[Grouchy Old Cripple]  found at Discount Blogger

7:25:53 PM    comment []


Understanding Poverty in America

Overall, the typical American defined as poor by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave. He has two color televisions, cable or satellite TV reception, a VCR or DVD player, and a stereo. He is able to obtain medical care. His home is in good repair and is not overcrowded. By his own report, his family is not hungry and he had sufficient funds in the past year to meet his family's essential needs. While this individual's life is not opulent, it is equally far from the popular images of dire poverty conveyed by the press, liberal activists, and politicians.

[The Heritage Fountation]

7:18:28 PM    comment []


Instant Justice

Here's a simple solution: If someone gets convicted of molesting little kids, LOCK THEIR ASS UP AND THROW AWAY THE DAMN KEY! That way you won't have to worry about kiddy-diddlers re-offending! But hey, maybe that's too "simplistic" for some people.

[Four Right Wing Wackos]

7:12:20 PM    comment []


It's impossible!

By Friday, the easy part of Schwarzenegger's life ? leaving Austria and starting over in America, winning the Mr. Universe contest with women hanging off of him, becoming a box office legend and pounding nails into Gray Davis' coffin ? will have ended, and he'll have come eyeball to eyeball with his hairiest challenge ever:

Governing California.

[The Interocitor]

Is it impossible?  I'm not so sure.  All we have to do is learn to live within our means. 

Lets remember that California is one of the largest economies in the world.  The big difference between California and the U.S. economy is that California can not print it's own money.  The country doesn't have to learn to live within its means.  When the charge card gets a little full we just fire up the presses.  Without those presses the fiscal condition of this country would make our little problem here in California look insignificant. 

The rest of the country makes fun of our problem here in California.  Maybe they should be looking at the monthly statement on their national charge card instead of pointing fingers. 

Maybe California should look at secession and buying some presses!  CP

4:49:14 PM    comment []


MJ's next stage

9:24:18 AM    comment []



Henry Hanks notes that this story has gotten all but zero attention. I've looked in a lot of places, and I think he is right. (Hanks also notes this story about Dennis Kucinich on the NPR Debate:"Congressman Kucinich is holding...


9:09:26 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

8:47:32 AM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day  

The Rusty Planet.

8:38:04 AM    comment []


Good News Watch
About a third of Congress has visited Iraq since May, "and the trips are shifting the political dynamic on Capitol Hill about the war," reports the Christian Science Monitor:

Unlike during Vietnam, when congressional visits often fueled lawmakers' opposition to the war, these tours of Iraq are tending, if anything, to blunt antiwar sentiment. In many cases, they are solidifying support in Congress for the military effort.

One example:

Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, the lone GOP senator to oppose the war in Iraq in 2002, returned from a two-day visit last October convinced that US action had been justified. . . . "It's important to see for yourself and to get some sense of what's going on," says Senator Chafee, who voted for President Bush's $87 billion supplemental request a week after his return from Iraq. He says that his visit convinced him that Iraqis were relieved to see Saddam Hussein toppled.

The article doesn't mention if any of the Democratic presidential candidates have visited, but if the ultimate nominee turns out to be an antiwar candidate who hasn't been there (especially if he holds a degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine), President Bush will be able to make an issue of his ignorance.

[Wall Street Journal]

8:34:00 AM    comment []

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