Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:35 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Monday, January 05, 2004


Picture of the Day

Took this a few moments ago.  I can't remember what the old people call it and my 85 year old mother would probably not appreciate me calling her to ask at midnight.

Use to see these circles around the moon all the time growing up in North Dakota.  Very rare here in Central Cal.  CP

11:58:29 PM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

There goes the neighborhood.

5:41:04 PM    comment []


Now I know I'm getting old and soft.  I actually had a moment of sympathy for France while reading this.  It lasted for about two second.  CP

5:33:44 PM    comment []


An Iraqi Perspective

The future is now in our hands. My people are afraid of civil war. We don't want the USA to leave us alone because another dictator could come. We want, by ourselves, to chose our president by election. I want to feel as if we have rights, and, more importantly, duties of citizens.

What would I say to the families of those US soldiers who have died? I am embarrassed because they are killed by my people. God bless them. My family prays to God to protect USA soldiers.

[Don't Tread On Me]

4:54:11 PM    comment []


Peace Elusive in Strife-Torn Midwest 

Decorah, IA - Long-simmering tensions in the volatile Midwest erupted into violence yesterday, as Lutheran extremists from the shadowy Uff Da group claimed responsibility for the early morning egging of Doug's Dairy Freeze and igniting a bag of dog excrement that claimed the left shoe of Decorah Mayor Harold Zander.

In a taped statement broadcast during the Morning Soybean Report on radio station KOEL in nearby Oelwein, an Uff Da spokesman identified only as 'Commandante Greg' said that "the infidels have desecrated the Holy Land and now they have paid for their heresy," adding that "God is pretty great, you betcha."

Meanwhile, the Des Moines Register reported that the flare up would likely stall negotiations for the historic Midwest Accords


Funny!  Laugh a little while you can people.  Don't forget the nuking of New York on Feb. 2.  CP

4:47:09 PM    comment []



But he's also someone who knows what he's talking about:Everybody in the world is Hitler. Bush is Hitler, Ashcroft is Hitler, Rumsfeld is Hitler. The only guy who isn't Hitler is the foreign guy with a mustache dropping people who...


4:34:32 PM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

7:58:40 AM    comment []


No media bias, huh?

We conservatives are often accused of perpetuating the "big lie" that the major media is liberally biased or slanted far to the left. The usual response is denial, calling conservatives paranoid, or pointing out that "broadcast media" is dominated by...


7:55:16 AM    comment []

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