Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:50 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Sunday, January 11, 2004


An example of SPIN

This post by James at Hell in a Handbasket made me remember the first time I saw the then new scrolling news feature at the bottom of the CNN screen.  It reminded me of some long forgotten movie or book I read where those scrolling marques were everywhere, telling everyone what they should think and everyone walked around like a zombie.  Sure enough, as I remember, the first thing I saw on the CNN news scroll was some made up news item about how the republicans were obstructing the wonderful things the demos were trying to do in congress.

Be sure to read the first comment by Francis W. Porretto.  Pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole Mid East Mess.  CP

8:09:31 PM    comment []


Digging up the Iraqi Underground Air Force 

3:08:39 PM    comment []


Albert Einstein

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

[Motivational Quotes of the Day]

1:34:38 PM    comment []


True on so many levels.

Cait sent this to me back in October, and I never did anything with it. For some reason I started thinking about it today.

I really get pissed about people complaining about the way they get treated by cops. I'll agree there are probably some cops that abuse the power they have, but I think that's the exception, not the rule. Cops must, and usually do, act on a higher level than we do. If you spit in my face, I'd kick the living piss out of you. Cops can't do that. They have to wipe it off, and act professionally.

[Dog Snot Diaries]

Be sure to watch the Cris Rock Video.  I laughed my ass off.  CP

9:19:38 AM    comment []


Morning Comics.

[American RealPolitik]

8:18:41 AM    comment []


Sweet Release 

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

3:05:48 AM    comment []



Dog be gone!

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

2:57:00 AM    comment []


Temperatures Hit Record Lows in Northeast

How can this be?

2:46:39 AM    comment []


Another one bites the dust!

In an effort to prove that he had spoken with a human rights activist in Yugoslavia, Kelley said in an interview, he encouraged a translator who was not present during the 1999 sit-down to impersonate another translator who was there. The woman who agreed to help Kelley called the USA Today journalist assigned to investigate the matter last fall and verified Kelley's account as if she had been there.

How many other so called 'reporters' are pounding out stories on their laptops as fast as they can trying to beat the other guy? CP

2:42:16 AM    comment []


Picture of the Day

Good eating!  If you have never eaten Pheasant you don't know what your missing.  Growing up in North Dakota we were able to step outside and shoot right from the back porch.  Grandma would raise holy hell when we did but by then the shootin was all over.

All Picture of the Day pictures in one place.

2:18:54 AM    comment []


  Astronomy Picture of the Day

What our sun will look like in 5 billion years.  You will be wanting to get out of Dodge in about 3 billion years because some really nasty things are going to start happening.

2:08:32 AM    comment []

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