Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:07:37 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


An Early Look Back at the Year 2004 

November: Dennis Kucinich, running as a third-party candidate, is elected president. Apparently core GOP voters figured the race was a done deal and stayed home, as did all the Democrats peeved about the spurning of Dean.

8:22:21 PM    comment []



Do what Michael and the Captain tell you.  That's an order!  CP


8:01:55 PM    comment []


Freewheeling 'bloggers' are rewriting rules of journalism

In the 2004 election, the boys (and girls) on the bus have been joined by a new class of political arbiters: the geeks on their laptops. They call themselves bloggers. Their mission: to remake political journalism and, quite possibly, democracy itself. The plan: to run an end around big media by becoming publishers on the Internet.

[USA Today]

5:52:33 PM    comment []


Libya to Make Peace with Israel

This is a huge story that's getting almost no coverage; wacky old Gaddafi continues to pull surprises out of his purple velvet hat, and his latest is an offer of ...

[little green footballs]

5:40:05 PM    comment []



Take a look at this post by John Cole. He compares the coverage of the "Halliburton Fiasco" after they were cleared of any wrongdoing to the coverage before they were cleared. Very interesting....

 "In other words, you Democrats owe them an apology for calling them war profiteers.

One other quick thing- I noticed a striking difference in the description of Halliburton and KB&R in these latest stories that clear them of any wrongdoing."


I love it when the media sticks their foot in it like this and of course they do it daily.  See if you can guess what you are going to read before you even read it.  Think back about what was being said every day in every story about Halliburton and what is being left out in the stories now.  If you can't remember it will be one of those times when you smack yourself up side the head and say 'Damn - I should've remembered that!'.  CP

4:44:33 PM    comment []


Hearts And Minds

Via Schultzie, I found this little snippet, which warms the cockles of my heart. Apparently, the (post-)war in Iraq is being won by... snipers. Yup, our boys are getting the job done, not by winning the hearts and minds of insurgent / terrorist assholes, but by blowing said hearts and minds into pieces. There's so much good stuff in that article,...

 [Kim du Toit]

1:29:58 PM    comment []


Hey!  I just noticed I lost my ticket to!

1:22:31 PM    comment []


I was right!  It IS my back yard!

1:16:15 PM    comment []


Astronomy Picture of the Day 

Sleepy Hollow in 3D.

8:10:40 AM    comment []


Mikey on small business 

"You know in my town the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people that supported all the right-wing groups. They were the Republicans in the town, they were in the Kiwanas, the Chamber of Commerce - people that kept the town all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing store salespersons, Jesse the Barber who signed his name three different times on three different petitions to recall me from the school board. F**k all these small businesses - f**k 'em all! Bring in the chains. The small businesspeople are the rednecks that run the town and suppress the people. F**k 'em all. That's how I feel."

So much hate Mikey.  CP


8:01:50 AM    comment []


Who Hitler?

Some people seem to believe that Bush is Hitler, and I think that is wrong. Seems to me it’s time...


7:51:26 AM    comment []


Earthquake Diplomacy

[Cox & Forkum]

7:44:18 AM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

7:37:05 AM    comment []


Howie's plan for America

The head Dwarf really does have a coherent plan for the country if elected.

Thanks OD

7:29:25 AM    comment []


So I was wrong.  Seems my estimate of this lasting a week was wildly optimistic.

6:51:36 AM    comment []


No better friend, no worse enemy

[USS Clueless]

12:44:16 AM    comment []


Nannyism, Round 2,384

This appears yet another case of the 'right choice' being imposed by a group that doesn't think that the general public will arrive at their suggested conclusion left to its own devices. Alternately, unwilling or unable to make their case in such a persuasive manner that their advice or view is adopted by choice. Imposition via the pressure of a histrionic PR campaign being deemed much more efficient.

12:40:08 AM    comment []


Country Insurance - Getting It's Act Together

Back in November, I joined a growing boycott of Country Insurance over the termination of one of their employees for being called up as a Reservist and sent to Iraq. Some bloggers also joined the boycott and helped to spread...

[Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love]

I hate to hear these words coming from me but maybe there should be a law that all companies do this when reservists go off to war.  There would be no necessity for a law if all the companies would just do the right thing in the first place.  CP

12:35:50 AM    comment []



So there's a news report about a new study that just came out. It seems that teenagers in the US are more obese than the teens in 14 other industrialized nations. So how did they find this out? Did they...

[Hell In A Handbasket]

12:30:03 AM    comment []


Regrets (Guest post by Mrs. du Toit)

Your life and your child?s is not precious when weighed against the millions that come after you and the precedents or paradigm shifts your selfishness might cause. Think about the future generations?your children?s children?s children. Think about them, always. And if you want to know why you should, or what duty you have to do that, think about the millions of people of the past who did that for you. It is not a contract you negotiated freely, but it is the contract you must accept. If there was ever anything to explain what being grown up and responsible means, that would be it.

This is something that every volunteer soldier understands when he offers his life for the future POTENTIAL of happiness for others. He didn?t choose to die for your happiness. He didn?t choose to die for your freedom. He chose to risk his life for the possibility that future generations would have the POTENTIAL of finding it for themselves--of EARNING it for themselves. The Soldier's Ends become your Means.

[Kim du Toit]

12:27:12 AM    comment []



"To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered."

[Quotes of the Day]

12:15:01 AM    comment []

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