Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:08:01 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Friday, January 16, 2004


Diagnostic failure

[USS Clueless]

Looks like about time to pull out the old F the French sign again.  CP

5:02:39 PM    comment []


GWB Does The Right Thing. Oh man, do I love to write posts like this.

President Bush bypassed Congress and installed Charles Pickering on the federal appeals court Friday, opening an election-year fight with Democrats who had stalled the nomination for more than two years. Bush installed Pickering by a recess appointment, which avoids the confirmation process. Such appointments...

[Kim du Toit]

4:44:59 PM    comment []


How cold is it ... ?

[Curmudgeonly & Skeptical]

4:24:16 PM    comment []


Holy shit, we're rich

[Helloooo chapter two!]

4:21:59 PM    comment []



Local talent - Mr. Fuji

more to come!

4:13:27 PM    comment []


Morning Comics

[American RealPolitik]

1:44:15 PM    comment []


Julie, my North Dakota Homegirl, has some words of sympathy for the poor east coasters........

cry me a river, if it wouldn't freeze over.

So it's cold on the east coast. Big flippin' deal. From a Reuters article: In Central Park, the temperature overnight fell to 1 degree Fahrenheit (minus 17 C), matching a record low set in 1893 and caused parts of the Hudson River to freeze over.

[Julie Neidlinger]

1:22:55 PM    comment []


Type your vehicle vin into Google and watch what happens.

12:22:30 PM    comment []


Feeling down about the way the rest of the world views us?  Don't.  It's their problem.

Good Victor David Hanson as usual

Pride and Envy are what make this war go 'round.

What are we to do? In fact, very little can be done. Perhaps all we can hope for is to understand rather than ameliorate these pathologies, and whenever possible combine tough love with magnanimity. We need to draw as many troops out of Europe as fast as we can within parameters of military sobriety. Only that way will so-called allies ever shoulder their own defense burdens and thereby regain a sense of national accomplishment. Until then we must respond twofold to every verbal assault on us, even as we praise every European minesweeper, canteen, or police contingent that is now in Afghanistan and Iraq ? all the while expecting not much more than a grunt or two of appreciation that we are leading the way.

9:21:02 AM    comment []


Lies in 60 Seconds.

 A conspiracy at MoveOn.org? You be the judge.

Think about what I have said. A group that has made its name by promulgating the most egregious slander against President Bush (they did not have this visibility when they were dedicated to protecting Clinton) runs an ad contest. The contest gets the most attention by "accidentally letting slip...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

8:55:09 AM    comment []


The media in love with Junk Science

It was gullible media alarmism run amok as even the “scientists” whose much-reported study appeared in the Jan. 9 issue of "Science" plainly acknowledged there was no factual basis for concern.

8:19:54 AM    comment []


Picture of the Day

Late night blogger energy food.

All Pictures of the Day.

2:37:25 AM    comment []


Martian Spam is already jamming the Spirit uplink!

1:04:36 AM    comment []


Equation for possibility of life on other earth like planets ..... simple ........

N = N* x fp x fpm x ne x ng x fi x fc x fl x fm x fj x fme

How rare is Earth?

12:56:44 AM    comment []


So THAT'S the Tigris!

[Front Line Voices]

Another real letter from a real person in Iraq.  I always jump at the chance to read letters on the net from non-reporter type people over there.  Thats how you get a picture of what is really happening.  Screw the media.  CP

12:42:36 AM    comment []


Astronomy Picture of the Day

Spirit Rock Garden.

12:28:52 AM    comment []


Scum sucking bigots

The fine folks at whitehouse.org are giving the moveon.org folks a run for the title of most unhinged lunatics. There's nothing to say other than they're giving 'liberals' a bad name and they should be condemned to the max. And that they're a bunch...

[North Georgia Dogma]

12:18:01 AM    comment []

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