Updated: 2/1/2004; 6:08:20 PM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Arrogant Hateful Self-important Condescending American Bastard!

Sunday, January 25, 2004


What a Maroon!

No, because Dean really and truly BELIEVES that it is much better to live in tyranny, at the hands of goons and thugs, to have no control over your destiny, your life, your health, your ambitions, your desires, and your successes. He really and truly BELIEVES that it would be oh-so-much better to have a steady income and an even, government controlled economy than to have to deal with all those day-to-day stresses in life. (You know the stresses I mean--the ones that actually give life meaning, purpose, color, flavor, value, and quality).

Found at Personal Effects (she's back!!!!)

9:42:26 PM    comment []


Astronomy Picture of the Day


9:25:05 PM    comment []


What the heck is going on? 

Still about 4 hours left till midnight here and almost 100 hits on this lame excuse for a web page.  On a normal Sunday I'm lucky to see 50.  Oh - that's right - no football today!

8:24:27 PM    comment []


More on Multiculturism

Will someome just bitch slap some sense into Tom Friedman? In his latest column, he talks about "moderate Arabs". BWAHAHAHAHA!...

[Grouchy Old Cripple]

8:17:36 PM    comment []



Stephen Den Beste has been asked for help on answering the question, "What are Americans like?" Stephen has a great answer, but I think, as a foreigner living here, I can offer "the outsider's perspective": Americans are nothing like you've...


Whew!  If you listen only to the major media you probably have the impression as I did that the whole world thinks we are a bunch of garbage!  At least one outsider views us as being civilized!

I just counted again today and I have been to 32 other countries, not counting Canada and Mexico, in my 20 year long travels with the U.S. Navy.  Except for France I always felt that the people liked us.  I was told by other European's not to take it personal because the French don't like anyone.  In many countries I got a Yankee go home and take me with you feeling.  That was all back in the 70's and 80's so maybe there has been a lot of change.  If you don't like the U.S. I know a country to the south with a lot of openings!  CP 

7:30:33 PM    comment []


What Kay Also Said

 Last week the media breathlessly reported that U.S. WMD inspector David Kay was resigning his position. In interviews, Kay had concluded that we were just not going to find stockpiles of WMD's in Iraq, having probably already found "85% of...


I think I said back when this WMD search started that it was a waste of time to search in Iraq.  You don't give a country a two month warning and then expect them to still have the bad stuff.  Assinine!  CP

7:12:03 PM    comment []


In My World: Stupid People No Like War

Fleischer then angrily chucked his Gameboy at the reporter, striking him in the head. "There, I paid you some attention."

"Ow! That hurt!" cried the reporter.

"Ow! That hurt!" Fleischer repeated in a high-pitch, mocking voice.

"You’re the meanest press secretary ever!" the man yelled before running out of the press conference crying.

Found at IMAO

Press Conference's must be improving.  I may have to start watching.  CP

6:14:16 PM    comment []


Picture credit:  Scott Gist, Hanford, California.

Objects on Train Tracks Are Closer Than They Appear...

Four hundred dead sounds like a lot, until one reflects that each year approximately 4,000 university professors are given grants to find out why stupid is as stupid does.

Found at American Digest (get a RSS feed Gerard or am I missing it?).

5:40:54 PM    comment []


Oh the Quagmire!

Second Front Opened on Mars

THE US-LED INVASION of the Fourth Planet was intensified Saturday night, as a second front was opened on the Meridiani...

[Citizen Smash - The Indepundit]

1:30:55 PM    comment []


Islamic Nuclear Cravings

Discovered by Internet Haganah on an Arabic site registered in Egypt called know-islam.com, an illustration titled "The Beauty of Destruction." http://files.know-islam.com/bandr/BeautyOfDestruction00.jpg

[little green footballs]

Nice picture! CP

12:49:18 PM    comment []


A younger Acidman.

12:42:48 PM    comment []


From the 1985 movie "Bliss"

"The entire economy of the Western world is built on things that cause cancer."

[Quotes of the Day]

9:11:53 AM    comment []


Nothing To Worry About.

As Michael Moore and his ilk keep telling us, there's no need for citizens to be vigilant and aware of what is going on around them.

A security guard at a BASF Corp. chemical plant was shot in the shoulder Saturday after he approached a suspicious truck and talked to a man who said he had been taking pictures, authorities said. he guard's name was not released, but Freeport police...

[Right-Thinking from the Left Coast]

8:12:18 AM    comment []

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