Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:08:04 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Yesterday I spent about an hour and a half with N&R feature reporter Maria Johnson.  Maria's disarming and charming personality is best explained by telling you she hails from the Commonwealth of Kentucky (18 years hence).  I have known her all my life, even though we've just met - something about Kentucky's limestone laden water.  (A few of Maria's past features are here, here and here.)

She called yesterday to explain she was writing a feature story on little ol' me. I let her know I was quite flattered. 

We made an appointment for 4:30 here at my house.  When she arrived the place was uncharacteristically quiet for almost the whole time she was in my kitchen.  She politely turned down my offer of a cold Bud.  As I imbibed (I SAID it was 4:30 - on a Friday)... we talked.  She scribbled furiously.

Maria has obviously read this blog cover to cover.  Questions and comments she presented were deeply thought through and it was very interesting to learn how much she has learned through reading these pages.

My guess is that, when she has undertaken such feature articles in the past, she starts from scratch on the personal stuff but not so in this case.  My life is here... for all to see... no spin.  Because of this headstart she delved pretty deeply into the fringes of who I am.  She coaxed me to explain the "why" behind the "what", which she had already discerned.  It was fascinating.

As she was leaving, Maria warned that she is going to be my shadow for the next week or so and for me to forward my schedule.  I made like such information is readily available and it would be no problem to share it with her - I lied.

Our lives are routine only if continuous chaos can be termed as such, but I welcome her along.  Unless she and her editors have objection - I'll blog the ride.

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GGO reporter Sam Hieb has been doing some research into Greensboro's national image.  What he found makes him conclude, "If I had known it was this bad, I'd gotten the hell out."

  • Note to Sam: You've just got to get links and comments happening. 
  • Note to GGO: I hear you shed some excess political baggage.

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It is widely known that serious political discussions are verboten on our front porch.

Last night, Jinni and I came home from a fundraiser for County Commisioner Mary Rakestraw to find our front porch heavily occupied by neighbors.  Nothing unusual about that, especially in light of the fact that a friend left his pet pig in our backyard last evening for some care while he's out of town - nothing will bring out neighbors like a pig picki..err... petting. (more on this later.. I am sure of that)

Anyway... after most of the kids were remanded to their respective houses the adults kept the porch party going - but last night was a litlle different.  While my neighbors and friends are highly political we usually stay pretty "surface" in the expression of our opinions.  This moderation of passions is borne of experience because we have all witnessed the result when deeply held views clash when Bourbon and beer is involved - and it ain't pretty.

There is the occasional barb aimed at this or that local politician and enough allowable discussion so that everyone understands each others political leanings, but beyond generalities everyone keeps the peace by shying away from heavy political and religous discussion.  Michael Moore apparently changed all of that.

Everyone around me has seen the movie and, in the words of Bob across the street, it has "motivated" him (and others) to take this year's presidential race more seriously than in year's hence.  I view this as a good thing regardless of which side of the political spectrum they occupy but the intensity of polarization that F 9/11 has emoted from my normally left leaning neighborhood is really quite extraordinary.

In view of the nature of the party from which we had just returned I was quite tired of politics (and tired in general) and quietly excused myself a little early last night after reminding the porch party of our political discussion rule.  I fear I may have made a mistake if I want to continue having my porch full of my friends however, because there are many porches nearby that don't have such a rule.  I'd rather keep them here so I can keep my eye on them.

So, be it resolved - the Hoggards are suspending the rules until November 3rd.  Lets just keep it civil.

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Even though my post on Moore's F-9/11 was made almost a week ago - the comments just keep coming.


A couple of old friends of ours in Tennessee have begun a picture blog - more accurately (so far), a critter picture blog.  They have built what I here tell is heaven on earth south of Nashville and I look forward to seeing the place.

Personal To Don and Melissa: If you want to sift through all of the political stuff and only catch up on more personal posts click on My World and/or Miscellany..

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