Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:08:09 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Sunday, July 18, 2004

There is no place for me in partisan politics... I am convinced of it.  When a Republican (such as me) confesses his party affiliation to a Democrat, the listener hears "conservative" and adopts a look of horror on their face.  If a Democrat tells his affiliation to a member of the GOP, the "liberal" label is automatically assigned and he walks away thinking, "pinko baby killer".  I'm sick of it.

We used to be a nation of moderation, but that quaint notion is currently perceived as a sign of weakness by the leadership of both parties.  What happened to compromise as a way to get things done to the benefit of all?  How is it that we have become a nation of political rivals who see everything only in black and white?  Can no one but me see all of the gray?

"The middle has no principles" -  "How can you be pro-gun AND pro-choice?" - "A Republican that doesn't attend church regularly?... impossible." - "You enjoyed Fahrenheit 9/11?, I thought you were a Republican"... I've heard it all.

What got me going on this long-withheld tirade is a letter I just received from the Republican National Committee signed by GOP Chair Ed Gillespie.  Attached to it is a thinly veiled appeal for money entitled "Republican Party Census Document".  An intelligent person can't fill the damn thing out. 

The following questions are taken from the questionnaire to which I am supposed to respond yes, no or undecided - such questions require essay-length answers, but writing space for that option is not provided:

Do you support President Bush's initiatives to promote the safety and security of all Americans? - Well yes and no - Enhanced airport security, yes - all of the Patriot Act, no - invading a country under false pretense, no - keeping better track of foreigners on our soil, yes.

Should small businesses be encouraged to grow and hire more workers? - Hell NO - we need to close all of those little SOB's down and fold them into one gigantic multinational corporation named "Bigger is Better Corp".  What a stupid f***ing question, Mr. Gillespie.

Do you support the Presidents efforts to save Social Security and add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare? - I support any responsible measure to "save" Social Security from its impending doom - the best thing all of you could do is get your greedy paws off of it and let me direct where my mandatory contributions should go - I forget... is that a proper (R) or (D) position?  The drug benefit was supposed to be under the Democrats' tent wasn't, but I like it... sort of... at least in principle.

Do you support the President's plan to increase military spending to meet our defense needs?  Sure I do, to a point, but not for every adventure my President thinks might be exciting.  If my President someday  gets a briefing that states the Congo has a bad guy running the place who hates America and he tried to buy a few pound of plutonium on E-Bay, please make damn sure you have the right people in place to take him out with a 20 cent bullet.  The military abhors a peace vacuum Mr. Gillespie... got it?  My definition of what constitutes a defense "need" might differ from my President's.

The questionnaire goes on and on asking a few real questions, but the majority of them are imponderables.  It then ends with this amazingly condescending multiple choice question:

Will you join the Republican National Committee by making a contribution today?

  • Yes, I support the RNC and am enclosing my most generous contribution of: (denominations between $25 and $500)
  • Yes, I support the RNC, but am unable to participate at this time.  However, I have enclosed $11 to cover the cost of tabulating my survey
  • No, I favor electing liberal Democrats over the next ten years.

Actually, Mr. Gillespie - none of the above. 

I won't support the RNC with any of the denominations you suggest at this time because you obviously have a low opinion of my intelligence as demonstrated by your committee's simple minded, myopia inducing questions.  Also, no, I won't send you $11 to "cover the cost of tabulating my survey" because you have demonstrated you are not any kind of fiscal conservative if you can't find someone to tabulate the thing for about 25 cents (either that or you are lying through your teeth).  And no, I don't favor electing "liberal" Democrats any more than I favor electing "conservative" Republicans... not now, nor "over the next ten years".

When I find a candidate offered by either Party (the Democratic National Committee is just as guilty of this mindless crap) who comes off as a statesman instead of a damn divisive politician - I'll answer all of the questions and send them eveything I can afford.

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