Updated: 4/3/07; 8:12:26 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jason Calacanis has been Fatblogging, that is, he's trying to lose weight and encouraging others to do the same. Those of you who know me know that I only need to lose 5-7 lbs. Usually once soccer season gets going, that's not a problem. When you reach the late 50s and you're still trying to referee college soccer, the big problem is maintaining running speed and endurance. Anyway, Jason has complained about some aching knees after starting to run. I recommend Yoga for that. First, doing the Warrior series once or twice a week really strengthens all the muscles around the knees and really takes care of that problem (assuming the problem isn't a bone problem, bad arthritis, or similar things). Then you do 6-12 "Sun Salutations" daily to stretch all of your muscle groups. Strength and flexibility really help those aching joints.

If you follow Jason's posts on the subject, he reveals everything he learns about nutrition. Some good advice. I have to admit that I wound up eating a hot dog at the Atlanta airport for lunch today. I need to pack a lunch (Jason recommends carrying Power Bars around for that reason) or something.

10:00:56 PM    comment []

Greg McMillan has a new post on WBF Webcast on PAT (process analytical technologies) and some further comments.

9:52:59 PM    comment []

I don't have a lot of extra things to report from the ABB user conference. In the instrumentation session, though, it was announced that several new instruments are coming out--with a new and common interface that mimics a mobile phone. Figuring that most people are familiar with that interface, this should make using the instruments intuitive.

My other takeaway from bunches of conversations is the importance of people. If you are planning any type of automation, or software implementation, or other manufacturing project, you ignore the people factor only at your peril. Communication, training, consultation, questioning, care--these are all essential elements. Given the state of technology availability, these are about as important as the actual products for the success of a project.

2:38:17 PM    comment []

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